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    The Bill - Season 22, Episode 35

    Fletcher and Keane assist Turner and Nixon on a new 'Capture Car' initiative brought in by Okaro, in an attempt to reduce car crime figures on the local estates. Fletcher and Keane discover a scam where cars are being stolen to order, abandoned and then picked up by a scrap metal dealer, with the person who gives the tip-off to the vehicle's location being given a cut of the profit. However, when Casper pursues a stolen vehicle which speeds off into the distance, Nixon and Turner suspect that not everybody involved is abandoning their loot - and uncover an elaborate plan by an ex-con to frame his brother for an armed robbery as way of payback for the time he served in prison.
    Genre: Drama Crime
    Country: United Kingdom, Ireland
    Duration: 50 min
    Quality: SD
    Release: 2006
    IMDb: 6.7
    (0) Voted
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