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    Survivor S36E13
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    Survivor - Season 36, Episode 04: Trust Your Gut

    Castaways get physical during a classic water challenge, and a pair of castaways on the outs tries to shake things up.
    Duration: 60 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 7.5
    (6) Voted
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  • Actors of "Survivor - Season 36"

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  • Characters of "Survivor - Season 36"

    Himself - Host. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jeff Probst
    Himself - Chapera Tribe, Himself - Maraamu Tribe, Himself - Ometepe Tribe, Himself - Villains Tribe, Himself, Himself - Murlonio Tribe, Himself - Chaboga Mogo Tribe, Himself - Maraamu, Himself - Rotu Tribe, Soliantu Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Rob Mariano
    Himself, Himself - Aitutaki Tribe, Himself - Savaii Tribe, Himself - Redemption Island, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Aitutonga Tribe, Aitutonga Tribes, Himself - Nuku Tribe, Himself - Second Juror, Himself - Tavua Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Oscar Lusth
    Himself - Heroes Tribe, Himself - Drake Tribe, Himself, Himself - Chaboga Mogo Tribe, Himself - Saboga Tribe, Himself - Second Juror, Himself - Chapera Tribe, Himself - Yin Yang Tribe, Chapera Tribes, Himself - Balboa Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Rupert Boneham
    Herself, Herself - Casaya Tribe, Herself - Gitanos Tribe, Herself - Dabu Tribe, Herself - Heroes Tribe, Herself - Maku Maku Tribe, Herself - Tavua Tribe, Dabu Tribes, Gitanos Tribes, Herself - 11 Days - Heroes Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Cirie Fields
    Herself - Villains Tribe, Herself - Saboga Tribe, Herself, Herself - Ogakor Tribe, Herself - Second Juror, Herself - Mogo Mogo Tribe, Herself - Yin Yang Tribe, Barramundi Tribes, Herself - Barramundi Tribe, Herself - Ogakor.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jerri Manthey
    Himself - Mogo Mogo Tribe, Himself - Heroes Tribe, Himself - Barramundi Tribe, Himself - Ogakor Tribe, Himself, Himself - Yin Yang Tribe, Barramundi Tribes, Himself - Ogakor, Himself - Eighth Juror - 37 Days - Heroes, Himself - First Nominee.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Saboga Tribe, Herself, Herself - Barramundi Tribe, Herself - Galang Tribe, Herself - Ogakor Tribe, Herself - Redemption Island, Barramundi Tribes, Herself - Ogakor, Herself - Galang & Kasama Tribes, Herself - Kasama Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Tina Wesson
    Herself - Rarotonga Tribe, Herself - Villains Tribe, Herself, Herself - Dabu Tribe, Herself - Yin Yang Tribe, Herself - Airai Tribe, Herself - Aitutonga Tribe, Aitutonga Tribes, Dabu Tribes, Airai.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Villains Tribe, Himself - Te Tuna Tribe, Himself - Timbira Tribe, Himself - Upolu Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Forza Tribe, Himself, Forza Tribes, Himself - Audience Member, Himself - Fifth Juror.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Benjamin Wade
    Herself - Heroes Tribe, Herself, Herself - Fei Long Tribe, Herself - Hae Da Fung Tribe, Herself - Dabu Tribe, Herself - Malakal Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Dabu Tribes, Hae Da Fung Tribes, Herself - Fei Long.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Amanda Kimmel
    Herself - Ometepe Tribe, Herself - Bikal Tribe, Herself - Enil Edam Tribe, Herself - Murlonio Tribe, Herself - Maku Maku Tribe, Herself - Redemption Island, Herself - The Jury, Herself, Herself - Nuku Tribe, Herself - Tavua Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Andrea Boehlke
    Himself - Timbira Tribe, Himself - Kasama Tribe, Himself - Villains Tribe, Himself - Galang Tribe, Himself - Second Juror, Forza Tribes, Himself, Himself - Forza Tribe, Himself - 15 Days - Villains Tribe, Himself - Galang & Tadhana Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Tyson Apostol
    Himself - Villains Tribe, Himself - Foa Foa Tribe, Himself - Aiga Tribe, Himself - Yin Yang Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Himself, Himself - Zapatera Tribe, Himself - Audience Member, Himself - Foa Foa, Himself - First Runner-Up - 39 Days - Galu.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Russell Hantz
    Herself - Villains Tribe, Herself - Drake Tribe, Herself - Balboa Tribe, Herself - Yin Yang Tribe, Herself - Nuku Tribe, Herself, Balboa Tribes, Herself - Drake, Herself - Mana & Nuku Tribes, Herself - Mana Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself, Himself - Kalabaw Tribe, Himself - Aitutaki Tribe, Himself - Dangrayne Tribe, Himself - Rarotonga, Himself - Rarotonga Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Airai Tribes, Aitutaki Tribes, Aitutonga Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Heroes Tribe, Herself - Aitutaki Tribe, Herself - Redemption Island, Herself - Fifth Juror, Herself - Rarotonga, Herself - Rarotonga Tribe, Aitutaki Tribes, Aitutonga Tribes, Herself, Herself - The Jury.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Chapera Tribe, Herself - Ogakor Tribe, Herself, Herself - Chaboga Mogo Tribe, Herself - Barramundi Tribe, Herself - Fourth Juror, Barramundi Tribes, Herself - Ogakor, Chaboga Mogo Tribes, Herself - Audience Member.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Amber Mariano
    Himself, Himself - Heroes Tribe, Himself - Fourth Juror, Himself - Fei Long Tribe, Hae Da Fung Tribes, Himself - 15 Days - Heroes Tribe, Himself - Fei Long-Zhan Hu Tribes, Himself - Fourth Juror - 30 Days - Fei Long, Himself - Hae Da Fung Tribe, Himself -. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: James Clement
    Himself - Heroes Tribe, Himself - Jalapao Tribe, Himself - Forza Tribe, Himself - Nuku Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Forza Tribes, Himself, Himself - Jalapao, Himself - Sole Survivor - 39 Days - Jalapao, Himself - Third Juror - 27 Days - Heroes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Saboga Tribe, Himself, Himself - Boran Tribe, Himself - Moto Maji Tribe, Himself - Mogo Mogo Tribe, Himself - Boran, Himself - Saboga, Mogo Mogo Tribes, Moto Maji Tribes, Himself - Audition Tape. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Ethan Zohn
    Himself - Bikal Tribe, Himself - Savaii Tribe, Himself - Enil Edam Tribe, Himself - Te Tuna Tribe, Himself, Himself - Audience Member, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Bikal & Enil Edam Tribes, Himself - Redemption Island, Himself - Savaii & Te Tuna Tribes... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: John Cochran
    Herself - Ulong Tribe, Herself - Xhakúm Tribe, Herself, Herself - Nakúm Tribe, Herself - Third Juror, Herself - Yaxhá Tribe, Herself - Heroes Tribe, Herself - Koror Tribe, Herself - 6 Days - Heroes Tribe, Herself - Nakúm.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Dangrayne Tribe, Himself - Bikal Tribe, Himself - Matsing Tribe, Himself - Enil Edam Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself, Himself - Bikal & Gota Tribes, Himself - Gota & Enil Edam Tribes, Himself - Gota Tribe, Himself - Mana & Nuku Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Kucha Tribe, Himself - Dangrayne Tribe, Himself - Tandang Tribe, Himself, Himself - Tandang & Dangrayne Tribes, Himself - The Final Four. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Michael Skupin
    Herself - Kucha Tribe, Herself - Bayon Tribe, Herself - Orkun Tribe, Herself, Herself - Bayon & Orkun Tribes, Herself - Orkun Tribe & The Jury, Herself - Second Chance Contestant, Herself - The Australian Outback. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Tadhana Tribe, Herself - Kasama Tribe, Herself - Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Bayon Tribe, Herself - Orkun Tribe, Herself - Bayon & Ta Keo Tribes, Herself - Blood vs Water, Herself - Blood vs. Water, Herself - Kasama Tribe & The J. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Ciera Eastin
    Herself - Villains Tribe, Herself - Gitanos Tribe, Herself - Casaya Tribe, Casaya Tribes, Herself, Herself - Bayoneta, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Yin Yang Tribe, Gitanos Tribes, Herself - Bayoneta Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Gitanos Tribe, Himself - Galang Tribe, Himself - Casaya Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Casaya Tribes, Himself, Himself - Viveros, Gitanos Tribes, Himself - Casaya, Himself - Galang & Tadhana Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Kasama Tribe, Himself - Pagong Tribe, Himself - Galang Tribe, Himself, Himself - Rattana Tribe, Himself - Third Juror, Himself - Galang & Tadhana Tribes, Himself - Pagong, Himself - Survivor 1, Himself - Tadhana & Kasama Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Galu Tribe, Herself - Galang Tribe, Herself - Redemption Island, Aiga Tribes, Herself - Third Juror, Herself - Aiga Tribe, Herself - Galu, Herself - Kasama Tribe, Herself, Herself - Redemption Island & Kasama Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Laura Morett
    Himself - Kucha Tribe, Himself - Nuku Tribe, Himself, Barramundi Tribes, Himself - Kucha, Himself - Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Angkor Tribe, Himself - Australia, Himself - Mana & Nuku Tribes, Himself - Mana Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jeff Varner
    Herself - Bikal Tribe, Herself - Savaii Tribe, Herself - Enil Edam Tribe, Herself - Te Tuna Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself, Herself - Bikal & Enil Edam Tribes, Herself - Redemption Island, Herself - Savaii & Te Tuna Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Dawn Meehan
    Herself - La Flor Tribe, Herself - Bikal Tribe, Herself - Enil Edam Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself, Herself - Libertad Tribe, Herself - Bikal & Gota Tribes, Herself - Gota & Enil Edam Tribes, Herself - Gota Tribe, Herself - Third Juror - 27 Days - La . Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Brenda Lowe
    Herself - Rattana Tribe, Herself - Tagi Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself, Herself - Bayon Tribe, Herself - Orkun Tribe, Herself - Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - Bayon & Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - Borneo, Herself - Second Chance Contestant.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Villains Tribe, Herself - Fei Long Tribe, Herself - Hae Da Fung Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Hae Da Fung Tribes, Herself - Fei Long, Herself, Herself - First Runner-Up - 39 Days - Fei Long, Himself - Second Juror - 24 Days - Villains Tribe. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Courtney Yates
    Himself - Jalapao Tribe, Himself - Bayon Tribe, Himself - Forza Tribe, Himself - Orkun Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Forza Tribes, Himself - Bayon & Orkun Tribes, Himself - Jalapao, Himself - Runner-Up - 39 Days - Jalapao, Himself - Second Chance Contestant.. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Dangrayne Tribe, Herself - Tandang Tribe, Herself - Orkun Tribe, Herself - Angkor Tribe, Herself - Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself, Herself - Angkor & Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - Philippines, Herself - Second Chance Contestant.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Dara Tribe, Himself - Beauty Tribe, Himself - Maku Maku Tribe, Himself - Mana Tribe, Himself - Nuku Tribe, Himself - Beauty & Gondol Tribes, Himself - Gardener, Himself - Gondol & Dara Tribes, Himself - Gondol Tribe, Himself - Kaoh Rong.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Tai Trang
    Himself - Ometepe Tribe, Himself - Bikal Tribe, Himself - Murlonio Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself, Himself - Enil Edam Tribe, Himself - Bikal & Enil Edam Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Yasur Tribe, Herself, Herself - Alinta Tribe, Herself - First Juror, Dabu Tribes, Herself - Airai Tribe, Airai, Airai Tribes, Alinta Tribes, Herself - Airai.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Eliza Orlins
    Himself, Himself - Bikal Tribe, Himself - Enil Edam Tribe, Himself - Dabu Tribe, Dabu Tribes, Himself - Bikal & Gota Tribes, Himself - Gota & Enil Edam Tribes, Himself - Gota Tribe, Himself - Sixth Juror, Himself - Sixth Juror - 36 Days - Airai.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Solarrion Tribe, Himself - Orkun Tribe, Himself - Brains Tribe, Himself - Bayon Tribe, Himself - Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Aparri & Solarrion Tribes, Himself - Aparri Tribe, Himself - Bayon & Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Brains & Aparri Tribes, Himself. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Bayon Tribe, Himself - Hunahpu Tribe, Himself - Orkun Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Huyopa Tribe, Himself - Bayon & Orkun Tribes, Himself - Hunahpu & Huyopa Tribes, Himself - Second Chance Contestant, Himself - Survivor. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jeremy Collins
    Himself - Ulong Tribe, Himself - First Juror, Himself - Nakúm Tribe, Himself - Yaxhá Tribe, Himself, Himself - Nakúm, Himself - Xhakúm Tribe, Himself - Yaxhá, Xhakúm Tribes, Yaxhá Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Morgan Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Angkor Tribe, Himself - Bayon Tribe, Balboa Tribes, Himself, Himself - Angkor & Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Bayon & Angkor Tribes, Himself - Morgan, Himself - Orkun Tribe.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Andrew Savage
    Herself - The Jury, Herself - Brains Tribe, Herself - Dara Tribe, Herself - Mana Tribe, Herself - Nuku Tribe, Herself - Brains & Chan Loh Tribes, Herself - Chan Loh & Dara Tribes, Herself - Chan Loh Tribe, Herself - Chemist, Herself - Kaoh Rong.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Debbie Wanner
    Herself - Orkun Tribe, Herself - Solarrion Tribe, Herself - Brains Tribe, Herself - Angkor Tribe, Herself - Bayon Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Angkor & Bayon Tribes, Herself - Aparri & Solarrion Tribes, Herself - Aparri Tribe, Herself - Bayon & An. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Latasha Fox
    Himself - Huyopa Tribe, Himself - Orkun Tribe, Himself - Hunahpu Tribe, Himself - Bayon Tribe, Himself - Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Bayon & Orkun Tribes, Himself - Bayon & Ta Keo Tribes, Himself - Coyopa & Huyopa Tribes, Himself - Coyopa Tribe, Himself - Hun. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Keith Nale
    Herself - Solarrion Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Brains Tribe, Herself - Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - Bayon Tribe, Herself - Aparri & Solarrion Tribes, Herself - Aparri Tribe, Herself - Bayon & Ta Keo Tribes, Herself - Brains & Aparri Tribes, Herself -. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Maku Maku Tribe, Himself - Tikiano Tribe, Himself - Manono Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Mana Tribe, Himself - Salani Tribe, Himself - Tavua Tribe, Himself, Himself - Mana & Maku Maku Tribes, Himself - Mana & Tavua Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Troy Robertson
    Himself - Vanua Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Vinaka Tribe, Himself - Maku Maku Tribe, Himself - Nuku Tribe, Himself - Tavua Tribe, Himself - Asset Manager, Himself - Millennials vs Gen X, Himself - Nuku & Maku Maku Tribes, Himself - Nuku & Tavua T. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Zeke Smith
    Himself - The Jury, Himself - Orkun Tribe, Himself - Nargarote Tribe, Himself - Bayon Tribe, Himself - Merica Tribe, Himself - Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Bayon & Orkun Tribes, Himself - Bayon & Ta Keo Tribes, Himself - Escameca & Merica Tribes, Himself - Esc. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Joe Anglim
    Herself - Dara Tribe, Herself - Brains Tribe, Herself - Maku Maku Tribe, Herself - Mana Tribe, Herself - Nuku Tribe, Herself - Brains & Gondol Tribes, Herself - Gondol & Dara Tribes, Herself - Gondol Tribe, Herself - Kaoh Rong, Herself - Maku Maku Tribe &. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Aubry Bracco
    Herself - The Jury, Herself - Maku Maku Tribe, Herself - Brawn Tribe, Herself - Nuku Tribe, Herself - Tavua Tribe, Herself - Aparri & Solarrion Tribes, Herself - Aparri Tribe, Herself - Brawn & Aparri Tribes, Herself - Contestant, Herself - Nuku & Maku Ma. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Sarah Lacina
    Herself - The Jury, Herself - Mana Tribe, Herself - Nargarote Tribe, Herself - Mana & Maku Maku Tribes & The Jury, Herself - Merica Tribe, Herself - Nargarote & Merica Tribes, Herself - No Collar, Herself - Worlds Apart. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Hali Ford
    Herself - Merica Tribe, Herself - Escameca Tribe, Herself - Mana Tribe, Herself - Maku Maku Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Blue Collar, Herself - Escameca & Merica Tribes, Herself - Mana & Maku Maku Tribes, Herself - Merica Tribe & The Jury, Herself. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Bikal Tribe, Himself - Upolu Tribe, Himself - Te Tuna Tribe, Himself, Himself - Redemption Island, Himself - Upolu & Te Tuna Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Brandon Hantz
    Himself - La Mina Tribe, Himself - Gitanos Tribe, Himself - Ta Keo Tribe, Himself, Gitanos Tribes, Himself - Exile Island, Himself - La Mina, Himself - Second Chance Contestant. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Terry Deitz
    Herself - Yasur Tribe, Herself, Herself - Alinta Tribe, Herself - Malakal Tribe, Herself - Fourth Juror, Alinta Tribes, Herself - 21 Days - Malakal Tribe, Herself - Yasur. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Ami Cusack
    Herself - Bikal Tribe, Herself - Kota Tribe, Herself, Herself - Fourth Juror, Herself - Kota, Herself - Nobag Tribe, Nobag Tribes, Fang, Fang Tribes, Herself - Bikal & Enil Edam Tribes.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Corinne Kaplan
    Himself - Koror Tribe, Himself - Heroes Tribe, Himself, Himself - 14 Days - Heroes Tribe. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Tom Westman
    Herself - Galang Tribe, Herself - Salani Tribe, Herself - Tikiano Tribe, Herself, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Redemption Island. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Kat Edorsson
    Herself - Galu Tribe, Herself - Bayon Tribe, Herself - Aiga Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Herself - Galu, Herself - Sixth Juror, Herself - Samoa, Herself - Second Chance Contestant, Herself - Sixth Juror - 33 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Monica Padilla
    Herself - Galang Tribe, Herself - Kasama Tribe, Herself - Salani Tribe, Herself, Herself - Brad's Wife, Herself - Galang & Kasama Tribes, Herself - Manono Tribe. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Solarrion Tribe, Himself - Brawn Tribe, Himself - Angkor Tribe, Himself - Ta Keo Tribe, Himself - Angkor & Ta Keo Tribes, Himself - Brawn & Solana Tribes, Himself - Cagayan, Himself - Contestant, Himself - Second Chance Contestant, Himself - Sol. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Yung Woo Hwang
    Herself - Maku Maku Tribe, Herself - Vanua Tribe, Herself - Ikabula Tribe, Herself - Mana Tribe, Herself - Nuku Tribe, Herself - Mana & Maku Maku Tribes, Herself - Mana & Nuku Tribes, Herself - Millennials vs Gen X, Herself - Nuku & Mana Tribes, Herself -. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Orkun Tribe, Herself - Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - Hunahpu Tribe, Herself - Bayon & Orkun Tribes, Herself - Dale's Daughter, Herself - Hunahpu & Coyopa Tribes, Herself - Orkun Tribe & The Jury, Herself - San Juan del Sur, Herself - Second Chance Con. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Maku Maku Tribe, Himself - Mana Tribe, Himself - Tadhana Tribe, Himself - Redemption Island, Himself, Himself - Blood vs Water, Himself - Mana & Maku Maku Tribes, Himself - Nuku & Mana Tribes, Himself - Nuku Tribe, Himself - Second Chance Cast P. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Brad Culpepper
    Himself - Fang, Himself - Kota Tribe, Himself - Third Juror, Himself - Villains Tribe, Himself, Himself - Fang Tribe, Nobag Tribes, Fang Tribes, Himself - 8 Days - Villains Tribe, Himself - Kota.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Randy Bailey
    Himself - Ravu Tribe, Himself - Bula Bula Tribe, Himself, Bula Bula Tribes, Himself - Moto Tribe, Himself - 8 Days - Malakal Tribe, Himself - Malakal Tribe, Himself - Moto, Himself - Ninth Juror - 38 Days - Ravu, Himself - Ravu.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Yau-Man Chan
    Himself - Tadhana Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Aras' Brother, Himself - Blood vs Water, Himself - Galang & Kasama Tribes, Himself - Galang Tribe, Himself - Kasama Tribe & Redemption Island, Himself - Redemption Island, Himself - Redemption Island . Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Nobag Tribe, Herself, Herself - Fang Tribe, Herself - Kota Tribe, Nobag Tribes, Fang, Herself - 3 Days - Heroes Tribe, Herself - Fang, Herself - Heroes Tribe, Herself - Kota.... Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jessica Kiper
    Himself - Barramundi Tribe, Himself - Ogakor Tribe, Barramundi Tribes, Himself, Himself - Ogakor, Himself - Barramundi Tribe - Seventh Juror. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Keith Famie
    Himself - Gitanos Tribe, Himself - Casaya Tribe, Casaya Tribes, Himself - Fifth Juror, Himself - La Mina, Gitanos Tribes, Himself, Himself - Casaya, Himself - La Mina Tribe, Himself - Second Chance Cast Pool. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Shane Powers
    Himself - Savaii Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Te Tuna Tribe, Himself, Himself - Redemption Island, Himself - Savaii & Te Tuna Tribes, Himself - Second Chance Cast Pool. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jim Rice
    Herself - Merica Tribe, Herself - Masaya Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Ta Keo Tribe, Herself - Masaya & Nargarote Tribes, Herself - Nargarote & Merica Tribes, Herself - Nargarote Tribe, Herself - White Collar, Herself - Worlds Apart, Second Chance . Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Shirin Oskooi
    Himself - Solarrion Tribe, Himself - Brawn Tribe, Himself - Brawn & Solana Tribes, Himself - Kaoh Rong, Himself - Mana Tribe, Himself - Season 34 Contestant, Himself - Solana & Solarrion Tribes, Himself - Solana Tribe, Himself - Winner. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Tony Vlachos
    Himself - Aitutaki Tribe, Himself - Aitutonga Tribe, Aitutaki Tribes, Aitutonga Tribes, Himself - Puka Puka, Himself - Puka Puka Tribe, Aitutaki, Himself - Aitutaki, Himself - Sole Survivor - 39 Days - Puka Puka. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Yul Kwon
    Herself - Foa Foa Tribe, Herself - Aiga Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Herself - Foa Foa, Herself, Himself - Sole Survivor - 39 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Natalie White
    Himself - Foa Foa Tribe, Himself - Aiga Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Himself - Foa Foa, Himself, Himself - Second Runner-Up - 39 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Mick Trimming
    Himself - Galu Tribe, Himself - Aiga Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Himself - Galu, Herself, Himself - Ninth Juror - 38 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Brett Clouser
    Himself - Foa Foa Tribe, Himself - Aiga Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Himself - Foa Foa, Himself, Himself - Eighth Juror - 37 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Casaya Tribe, Herself - Gitanos Tribe, Herself - Fourth Juror, Casaya Tribes, Herself - Bayoneta, Gitanos Tribes, Herself, Herself - Bayoneta Tribe, Herself - Casaya. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Courtney Marit
    Herself - Tikiano Tribe, Herself - Salani Tribe, Herself, Herself - Second Chance Cast Pool. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Galu Tribe, Herself - Aiga Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Herself - Galu, Herself - Seventh Juror, Herself - Seventh Juror - 36 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Shannon Waters
    Himself - La Flor Tribe, Himself - Libertad Tribe, Himself - Espada Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Espada, Himself, Himself - Sixth Juror - 32 Days - La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Ben Henry
    Himself - Libertad Tribe, Himself - La Flor Tribe, Himself - Espada Tribe, Espada, Himself, Himself - First Runner-Up - 39 Days - La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Chase Rice
    Herself - Espada Tribe, Herself - Libertad Tribe, Herself - La Flor Tribe, Herself, Herself - Seventh Juror - 36 Days - Espada, Herself - The Jury, La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Jane Bright
    Himself - La Flor Tribe, Himself - Libertad Tribe, Himself, Himself - Second Runner-Up - 39 Days - La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Herself - Te Tuna Tribe, Herself - Upolu Tribe, Herself - Upolu & Te Tuna Tribes, Herself - Winner-Survivor South Pacific. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Sophie Clarke
    Himself - Brawn Tribe, Himself - The Jury, Himself - Dara Tribe, Himself - Brawn & Gondol Tribes, Himself - Former NBA Champion, Himself - Former NBA Player, Himself - Gondol & Dara Tribes, Himself - Gondol Tribe. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Scot Pollard
    Herself - The Jury, Herself - La Flor Tribe, Herself - Espada Tribe, Espada, Herself, Herself - First Juror - 22 Days - La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Alina Wilson
    Himself - Galu Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Himself - Aiga Tribe, Himself - Fifth Juror, Himself - Galu, Himself - Fifth Juror - 31 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: David Ball
    Herself - La Flor Tribe, Herself - Espada Tribe, Herself - Libertad Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Espada, Herself, Herself - Fourth Juror - 28 Days - La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Na Onka Mixon
    Himself - Espada Tribe, Himself - Libertad Tribe, Himself, Himself - Eighth Juror - 37 Days - Espada, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Dan Lembo
    Herself - La Flor Tribe, Herself - Libertad Tribe, Herself - The Jury, Herself, Herself - Fifth Juror - 28 Days - La Flor, Libertad Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Kelly Shinn
    Herself - Upolu Tribe, Herself - Te Tuna Tribe, Herself, Herself - Redemption Island, Herself - The Jury, Herself - Upolu & Te Tuna Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: Edna Ma
    Himself - Te Tuna Tribe, Himself - Upolu Tribe, Himself, Himself - Upolu & Te Tuna Tribes. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Himself - Galu Tribe, Aiga Tribes, Himself - Aiga Tribe, Himself - Fourth Juror, Himself - Galu, Himself - Fourth Juror - 30 Days - Galu. Character of Survivor - Season 36
    Played by: John Fincher
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  • Creators of "Survivor - Season 36"

    Charlie Parsons. Director of Survivor - Season 36
    Charlie Parsons
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