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    Welcome to Marwen

    A story of a man who lost consciousness on 8 April 200. The story began when ambitious artist Mark Hogankamp became a victim of a violent attack when five men beat him and left him. Perhaps Mark has left very few memories and probably did not remember anything after the attack. These memories relate to his former life but it was bad for brain damage by his assailants. In a desperate attempt to restore his memories, there may be more strange things in his life.
    Duration: 116 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 6.2
    (9) Voted
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    joana Anonymous
    2019-03-16 01:03
    pancho Anonymous
    where is the movie
    2019-02-23 16:02
    JediFreeSpirit Anonymous
    This is only the preview
    2019-02-22 15:02

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  • Actors of "Welcome to Marwen"

  • Creators of "Welcome to Marwen"

    Robert Zemeckis. Director of Welcome to Marwen
    Robert Zemeckis
    Birthdate: 14 May 1952, Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Caroline Thompson. Director of Welcome to Marwen
    Caroline Thompson
    Birthdate: 23 April 1956, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Welcome to Marwen"

    Chicago Reader
    December 26, 2018

    The female characters in Welcome to Marwen are all a little too yielding, a little too understanding... They expect so little of Hogancamp that it's all too easy for him to impress them, and all too easy for us to feel good about ourselves in the process.

    New Yorker
    December 24, 2018

    A well-meaning, heartfelt, and vigorously engaged tribute to a remarkable person...

    Globe and Mail
    December 21, 2018

    Welcome to Marwen is the ultimate Robert Zemeckis movie. This is not intended as a compliment.
    December 21, 2018

    I left Welcome to Marwen feeling that Hogancamp had been cut off from agency from his own story, reduced to a cow-eyed dunderhead Candide only more voyeuristic.

    Detroit News
    December 21, 2018

    But in a complex story of redemption and resilience with the blurring of real life and fantasy, it's one item on a list that contains a lot of other unchecked boxes.
    December 21, 2018

    [It] is such an eccentric film that it wins a few points for sheer ambition, including its inventive visual scheme. The central story, however... never feels as transcendent or stirring as director/co-writer Robert Zemeckis clearly intends it to be

    El Mundo (Spain)
    March 01, 2019

    Zemeckis attempts to move audiences, but does so with a forced tone and an exaggerated melodrama. [Full Review in Spanish]

    El Pais (Spain)
    March 01, 2019

    Zemekis is especially skilled at the alchemy between digital entertainment and creating a portrait of a man struggling with his demons. [Full Review in Spanish]

    February 28, 2019

    Despite its flaws, Zemeckis is able to craft a film to leave audiences in a great state. [Full Review in Spanish]

    Cinemanía (Spain)
    February 26, 2019

    One wonders if Zemeckis knows what kind of story he is telling. [Full review in Spanish]

    Film Inquiry
    February 17, 2019

    Since Welcome to Marwen plays like a car accident, you simply have to watch no matter what horrifying image is lurking just around the bend.

    Film Threat
    February 11, 2019

    Welcome to Marwen doesn't fix Mark, but instead chooses to focus on one massive battle in his life.

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