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    The story takes place in the near future where technology becomes dominant in all aspects of life, but when Gray's life, who is satisfactorily afraid of everything technical, turns upside down, his main goal to achieve his expected revenge is a smart, experimental computer chip named Stem.
    Duration: 100 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 7.5
    (119) Voted
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    Kritikal Anonymous
    Plugging this into the moist meter, im giving Upgrade a 85 percent. Real slapper.
    2019-06-07 03:06
    jiv3000 #1 Movies Online user
    I wish there was a post-credit!
    2019-03-14 03:03
    STEM Anonymous
    Unreal movie 10/10 and all that greatness with a 3 million dollar budget. 'nuff said
    2019-03-13 04:03
    makol Anonymous
    the ending
    2019-01-03 16:01
    Muhammad  Anonymous
    Stem is the antichrist in a human body...quite simple, most scifi movies are based on a being that is in a human body but is not human and is beyond AI, thats the antichrist and hes coming to destroy the human kind with nuckear wepons... quite simple...
    2018-11-18 18:11
    mohamed  Anonymous
    I just wanna know who are the guys who were in the elevator? and why that hacker that I have to skip we should let them win??
    2018-11-08 23:11
    StraemRTV Anonymous
    all this hi tech but the police use old tape recorder to listen to the phone!! ha ha ha
    2018-10-21 18:10
    YMT Anonymous
    Good movie crazy twist ending
    2018-09-11 17:09
    aabid123 #1 Movies Online user
    that was awsome
    2018-09-09 01:09
    JonBrando Anonymous
    I love how they directed those action scenes. Now if the rest of the movie was less predictable and had a little substance, then maybe this movie would've been actually great.
    2018-08-23 00:08
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  • Actors of "Upgrade"

  • Characters of "Upgrade"

    Grey Trace. Character of Upgrade
  • Critic Reviews of "Upgrade"

    Tribune News Service
    June 29, 2018

    Upgrade is a brutish, efficient and well-executed slice of cyberpunk action-horror with a silly streak.

    Toronto Star
    June 28, 2018

    Writer/director Leigh Whannell gives us a glimpse of the near-future and it's both fascinating and terrifying.

    Globe and Mail
    June 28, 2018

    Upgrade only wants to have great, gory fun.

    Chicago Reader
    June 15, 2018

    Upgrade's smooth turn into intellectual provocation may be the most surprising thing about it.

    New Yorker
    June 05, 2018

    Whannell doesn't reprocess or reboot clichés; he depends on them and peddles them. As a director, he photographs his plot points and sees no moments between moments, conveys no sense of experiential continuity.

    Rolling Stone
    June 03, 2018

    Resistance is futile. High-grade grindhouse glee is your reward.

    Black Nerd Problems
    July 10, 2018

    I daresay it pushes the envelope of what we can expect from a film in the action genre.

    Playboy Online
    July 06, 2018

    As a launching pad for Marshall-Green and as a break from summer blockbuster fatigue, it's a lifesaver.

    National Post
    June 29, 2018

    Upgrade has the makings of a thought-provoking thriller, but downgrades itself to a generic sci-fi shoot-'em-up instead.

    Reel Film Reviews
    June 29, 2018

    It's a solid premise that's employ to watchable and occasionally enthralling effect by filmmaker Leigh Whannell...

    Original Cin
    June 28, 2018

    A genre upgrade itself, Upgrade takes present-day technology - driverless cars, voice-activated home technology, and computer chip-aided spinal injury mobility, and then pushes those ideas to hair-raising conclusions.

    Concrete Playground
    June 25, 2018

    A sharp, sleek and savage wander into genre territory.

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