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    The Skeleton Key

    When Caroline Ellis takes a job in Louisiana's bayous, she unlocks a deadly secret in a huge Louisiana mansion where she works in. The spirits haunting the mansion are evil and are manipulating the living to fit their desires, and Caroline herself is at the center of one of their sinister schemes.
    Duration: 104 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2005
    IMDb: 6.5
    (5) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Skeleton Key"

  • Characters of "The Skeleton Key"

    Caroline Ellis. Character of The Skeleton Key
    Played by: Kate Hudson
    Violet Devereaux. Character of The Skeleton Key
    Played by: Gena Rowlands
    Luke Marshall. Character of The Skeleton Key
  • Directors of "The Skeleton Key"

    Iain Softley. Director of The Skeleton Key
    Iain Softley
    Birthdate: 1958, London, England, UK
  • Creators of "The Skeleton Key"

    Ehren Kruger. Director of The Skeleton Key
    Ehren Kruger
    Birthdate: 5 October 1972
  • Critic Reviews of "The Skeleton Key"

    Ebert & Roeper
    August 15, 2005

    This is a moody, creepy thriller with some genuinely scary moments and a couple of twists that took me completely by surprise.

    Washington Post
    August 12, 2005

    The Skeleton Key delivers on all formulaic counts, except one: It never serves up any truly nightmare-inspiring scares.

    Washington Post
    August 12, 2005

    A diverting, stylish thriller that, despite pivoting on that and other whoppers, deserves credit for creating an authentic, original vibe.

    USA Today
    August 12, 2005

    This is essentially a haunted-house horror flick that starts off with effectively eerie scenes but devolves into a forced and mildly ridiculous ghost story.

    Toronto Star
    August 12, 2005

    Criminal waste of talent.

    Seattle Times
    August 12, 2005

    There's lots of bad stuff brewing on the bayou in this occasionally scary but more often silly movie, which wastes some good actors along the way.

    Cinema Crazed
    April 29, 2009

    A genuinely creepy offering in a world filled with contrived bland dramas posing as thrillers.

    Eye for Film
    December 07, 2007

    The only real mystery ... is what is this great ensemble cast doing in such a poorly executed movie?
    October 31, 2007

    The voodoo lore is sketchy (it can't hurt unbelievers, except when it can), the plot obviously little but build-up to the big reveal.

    Long Island Press
    March 31, 2007

    Reinvigorates the supernatural thriller genre with a much needed infusion of new ideas and just plain nasty, digital-free mischief.

    Film Journal International
    March 01, 2007

    A paint-by-numbers supernatural thriller that's more interesting for its locations than for its story.

    Christianity Today
    October 11, 2006

    Pretty much what you would expect from the screenwriter of disappointing films such as Scream 3, Reindeer Games and Arlington Road.

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