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    In a bid to pull his shattered life back together, troubled ex-cop Ben Carson takes a job as a security guard at the burned out ruins of a once-prosperous department store, which makes him and his family become the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home.
    Duration: 110 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2008
    IMDb: 6.1
    (8) Voted
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    Ali_SayyarnY6 #1 Movies Online user
    This is the best horror movie that I have seen in all my life.
    2018-12-23 15:12

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  • Actors of "Mirrors"

  • Characters of "Mirrors"

    Ben Carson. Character of Mirrors
    Amy Carson. Character of Mirrors
    Played by: Paula Patton
    Michael Carson. Character of Mirrors
    Played by: Cameron Boyce
    Daisy Carson. Character of Mirrors
    Played by: Erica Gluck
    Angela Carson. Character of Mirrors
    Played by: Amy Smart
    Anna Esseker. Character of Mirrors
    Played by: Mary Beth Peil
    Lorenzo Sapelli. Character of Mirrors
    Played by: John Shrapnel
  • Directors of "Mirrors"

    Alexandre Aja. Director of Mirrors
    Alexandre Aja
    Birthdate: 7 August 1978, Paris, France
  • Creators of "Mirrors"

    Alexandre Aja. Director of Mirrors
    Alexandre Aja
    Birthdate: 7 August 1978, Paris, France
    Grégory Levasseur. Director of Mirrors
    Grégory Levasseur
  • Critic Reviews of "Mirrors"

    Time Out
    October 10, 2008

    This is without question the dumbest horror movie of recent years. There is simply no way to piece together its fractured shards.

    Entertainment Weekly
    August 28, 2008

    The director, Alexandre Aja, knows how to reflect the fear in people's heads, but he gets too ensnared in a backstory that's just gothic business as usual.

    Toronto Star
    August 19, 2008

    How could horror be so dull?

    Boxoffice Magazine
    August 19, 2008

    Audiences won't be crazy about what they see in these Mirrors.

    Los Angeles Times
    August 19, 2008

    An empty enterprise that provides a few moments of goofy fun, Mirrors reflects back nothing.

    Globe and Mail
    August 19, 2008

    Mirrors is too lugubrious and misconceived to reflect the talent of those involved.

    August 28, 2015

    One of the better films of the infamous J-horror remake onslaught. Relatively speaking.

    Georgia Straight
    February 15, 2013

    Even the most forgiving fans of supernatural horror will balk at Mirrors' cookie-cutter characterizations, predictable shocks, and ridiculous, punishing plot.

    Common Sense Media
    December 19, 2010

    Brutal horror movie offers little to reflect on.

    Cinema Crazed
    April 25, 2010

    Kudos to you if you can figure out what in god's name that ending is supposed to indicate, because I'm lost at this time...

    December 17, 2009

    Sutherland's natural stoicism does make the more risible developments and dialogue a bit easier to stomach (a moment when he goes all Jack Bauer on a nun comes to mind).

    August 01, 2009

    Alexandre Aja must have thought that just because he's basing a film around mirrors acting irrationally, he can proceed to remove logic from all aspects of the film.

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