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    The Predator (2018)

    Through a series of exciting and action events, the movie follows a young boy called Rory McKenna who accidentally make something wrong that leads to a chaos, he brings back a mysterious brutal creatures, The Predators. They have improve themselves by DNA from other aliens from the outer space. To rescue the human kind, there is only chance with a group of former soldiers and a science teacher.
    Duration: 107 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 5.3
    (79) Voted
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    Han Anonymous
    if you need it let me know tokyo
    2019-02-05 00:02
    Deanj Anonymous
    would of been more respectful to the original Predator movies if they used better known actors, seriously!!
    2019-01-08 14:01
    JimbobCandyman Anonymous
    Really good movie until you get to the end... wtf up with that whole "it's the next step in human evolution" Srsly!... Sad. Was a good movie besides the poor ending.
    2018-12-11 16:12
    wwwfrivee Anonymous
    comedy, but cool :D
    2018-12-05 20:12
    Flash  Anonymous
    good movie
    2018-11-22 17:11
    gakuha #1 Movies Online user
    not bad
    2018-11-16 20:11
    ONYXRADX #1 Movies Online user
    Good movie im not sure its a good "Predator" movie but nonetheless it a good movie
    2018-11-15 19:11
    Buang Anonymous
    High Definition lol
    2018-11-13 15:11
    Saturnios Anonymous
    Do you even know what HD means?
    2018-11-10 14:11
    Star Anonymous
    Sexy MoViE
    2018-09-26 19:09
    Load more

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  • Actors of "The Predator (2018)"

  • Characters of "The Predator (2018)"

    Quinn McKenna. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Boyd Holbrook
    Nebraska Williams. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Rory McKenna. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Jacob Tremblay
    Coyle. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Casey Bracket. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Olivia Munn
    Traeger. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Baxley. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Thomas Jane
    Lynch. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Alfie Allen
    Nettles. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Sapir. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Niall Matter
    VA Psych. Character of The Predator (2018)
    Played by: Duncan Fraser
  • Creators of "The Predator (2018)"

    Fred Dekker. Director of The Predator (2018)
    Fred Dekker
    Birthdate: 9 April 1959, San Francisco, California, USA
    Shane Black. Director of The Predator (2018)
    Shane Black
    Birthdate: 16 December 1961, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "The Predator (2018)"

    Hollywood Reporter
    September 07, 2018

    Black's movie is so cleverly over-the-top that it's easy and pleasurable enough to watch, though never exactly scary or suspenseful.

    September 07, 2018

    It's an exhaustingly energetic mess in which a coherent plot and credible characters aren't even on the cluttered menu.

    IGN Movies
    September 07, 2018

    A Predator movie lives or dies based on how cool and intimidating its title character is ... and that's where The Predator proves woefully inconsistent.

    September 07, 2018

    While you're watching the movie, it's hard not to get caught up in all the fun. Black and company are having a blast here, and it's infectious.

    Total Film
    September 07, 2018

    What Black's movie really has going for it is pace. It starts with a crash, followed swiftly by a bang and vast swathes of wallop. The relentlessness doesn't allow you any time to catch a yawn, but it's also not too conducive to tension or suspense.

    Digital Spy
    September 07, 2018

    The Predator is a flawed actioner, but a strong cast and some Shane Black magic give it a sparkle that has been lacking from recent attempts to revive the killer aliens.

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