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    The Mask of Zorro

    After being imprisoned for 20 years, Zorro, Don Diego de la Vega, receives word that his old enemy, Don Rafael Montero, has returned. Zoro then escapes to find his long-lost daughter and avenge the death of his wife at the hands of the enemy...
    Duration: 136 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1998
    IMDb: 6.8
    (6) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Mask of Zorro"

  • Characters of "The Mask of Zorro"

    Alejandro Murrieta. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Joaquin Murrieta. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Diego Sieres
    Boy Crying. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Undertaker. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Paco Morayta
    Fray Felipe. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Don Rafael Montero. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Stuart Wilson
    Don Luis Quintero. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Tony Amendola
    Don Diego de la Vega. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Squad Leader. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Nanny. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Luisa Huertas
    Elena Montero. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Esperanza de la Vega. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Julieta Rosen
    Heavyset Lieutenant. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Three-Fingered Jack. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: L.Q. Jones
    Cpl. Armando Garcia. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: José Pérez
    Watering Station Owner. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Tony Genaro
    Stupid Soldier. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Capt. Harrison Love. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Matt Letscher
    Prison Warden. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Maury Chaykin
    Prison Guard. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Paul Ganus
    Leper Zorro. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Zorro. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Conrad Roberts
    Don Pedro. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Don H. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Don Julio. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    One of the Six Dons. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Padre at the Beach. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Diego Sandoval
    Don Pedro's Wife. Character of The Mask of Zorro
    Played by: Erika Carlsson
  • Directors of "The Mask of Zorro"

    Martin Campbell. Director of The Mask of Zorro
    Martin Campbell
    Birthdate: 24 October 1943, Hastings, New Zealand
  • Creators of "The Mask of Zorro"

    Johnston McCulley. Director of The Mask of Zorro
    Johnston McCulley
    Birthdate: 2 February 1883, Ottawa, Illinois, USA
    Ted Elliott. Director of The Mask of Zorro
    Ted Elliott
    Birthdate: 4 July 1961, Santa Ana, California, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "The Mask of Zorro"

    March 26, 2009

    The Mask of Zorro stands as a pointed riposte to those who say they don't make 'em like that anymore.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    June 18, 2002

    The story is not important. The clash of swords, the leaps, the tumbles -- it's all very nice. But after 136 minutes, it becomes a bit much.

    Rolling Stone
    May 11, 2001

    Banderas and Hopkins prove that there's life in the Z-boy yet, but by leaving in the dull patches, the filmmakers may find audiences catching zzzzzs in ways they never intended.

    Los Angeles Times
    February 14, 2001

    A lively, old-fashioned adventure yarn with just a twist of modern attitude, it's the kind of pleasant entertainment that allows the paying customers to have as much fun as the people on screen.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    January 01, 2000

    Banderas, with his flashing eyes, makes a good mock-Hidalgo, but the movie would be a lot more amusing if it weren't such kid stuff.

    Chicago Sun-Times
    January 01, 2000

    The Mask of Zorro has something you don't often see in modern action pictures: a sense of honor.

    Cinema Crazed
    June 06, 2013

    Simplistic but sprawling action film...

    Movie Metropolis
    February 26, 2012

    This is the best movie version of Zorro to date, and High-Definition makes it that much more exciting.
    March 11, 2008

    Crisp and competent and often witty, but it only does what it's supposed to do; it's never quite inspired or exhilarating...

    Combustible Celluloid
    May 26, 2006

    Not so much a blood-pounding swashbuckling adventure as it is a comfortable old friend--the kind of movie your grandfather might have seen at a Saturday matinee.

    Reeling Reviews
    April 09, 2005

    Buckling the swash in a way approaching Errol Flynn, Antonio is up for the action and handles the slapstick as the inept student with aplomb. The romance between him and Zeta-Jones has sparks, too.

  • Soundtracks of "The Mask of Zorro"

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