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    The Finest Hours

    Directed by Craig Gillespie and produced by Walt Disney Pictures, The Finest Hours is about one of the worst storms to ever hit the East Coast struck New England. On a small lifeboat faced with frigid temperatures and 70-foot high waves, four members of the Coast Guard set out to rescue the more than 30 stranded sailors trapped aboard the rapidly-sinking vessel.
    Duration: 117 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2016
    IMDb: 6.7
    (9) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Finest Hours"

  • Characters of "The Finest Hours"

    Bernie Webber. Character of The Finest Hours
    Played by: Chris Pine
    Ray Sybert. Character of The Finest Hours
    Played by: Casey Affleck
  • Directors of "The Finest Hours"

    Craig Gillespie. Director of The Finest Hours
    Craig Gillespie
    Birthdate: 1 September 1967, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  • Creators of "The Finest Hours"

    Scott Silver. Director of The Finest Hours
    Scott Silver
    Paul Tamasy. Director of The Finest Hours
    Paul Tamasy
  • Critic Reviews of "The Finest Hours"

    New York Observer
    February 04, 2016

    I expected nothing special and wound up being thoroughly exhilarated.

    The Atlantic
    February 01, 2016

    Too few of Hollywood's recent offerings can boast such a simple throughline and know when to wrap it up.

    January 29, 2016

    A remarkable tale, confusingly told. Impressive storm sequences and a very good Pine almost save the day.

    Christian Science Monitor
    January 29, 2016

    Maybe it's just the History Channel junkie in me, but I would much rather be seeing a documentary about this mission than a trumped-up drama featuring brand-name actors and CGI squalls.

    Tribune News Service
    January 29, 2016

    It feels like a parody of a prestige film, like one of the fake Oscar trailers in "Tropic Thunder."

    San Diego Reader
    January 29, 2016

    A straight-up Boys' Own adventure yarn, set sincerely and squarely in early '50s New England but gussied up with plenty of 21st-century StormWave CGI.

    Columbus Alive
    December 31, 2016

    The Disney "based on a true story" course is tried and true, and the end result is a movie that never manages much excitement or tension, despite trying so earnestly you almost root for it.

    Movie Habit
    December 12, 2016

    The movie's ocean sequences are good enough to make The Finest Hours an acceptable -- if not great -- piece of January entertainment.

    Sunday Independent (Ireland)
    December 05, 2016

    Not a truly great film, but a really nice one.

    Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
    November 15, 2016

    The crews of the Pendleton and of the CG-36500, which rescued them, demonstrated formidable courage and ingenuity in coming out of the devastating nor'easter alive. These folks deserve more than a middling January release.

    August 18, 2016

    An entertaining film that can be inspiring at some points. [Full review in Spanish]

    Chesapeake Family Magazine
    August 02, 2016

    The Coast Guard gets its big-screen opportunity with The Finest Hours. Its great effects work well to accompany some solid performances.

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