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    Silent Hill: Revelation

    The movie follows teenager Heather Mason who discovers on the eve of her eighteenth birthday that her presumed identity is false and as a result is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate reality that holds answers to the horrific nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. 
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    Kate456 #1 Movies Online user
    amazing movie
    2018-12-31 20:12

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  • Actors of "Silent Hill: Revelation"

  • Characters of "Silent Hill: Revelation"

    Heather. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Vincent. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Played by: Kit Harington
    Claudia Wolf. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Christopher Da Silva. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Played by: Sean Bean
    Rose Da Silva. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Played by: Radha Mitchell
    Leonard Wolf. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Douglas Cartland. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Played by: Martin Donovan
    Dahlia Gillespie. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Red Pyramid. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Sharon. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Played by: Erin Pitt
    Travis Grady. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Suki. Character of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Played by: Heather Marks
  • Directors of "Silent Hill: Revelation"

    Michael J. Bassett. Director of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Michael J. Bassett
  • Creators of "Silent Hill: Revelation"

    Michael J. Bassett. Director of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Michael J. Bassett
    Laurent Hadida. Director of Silent Hill: Revelation
    Laurent Hadida
  • Critic Reviews of "Silent Hill: Revelation"

    October 28, 2012

    "Revelation" is incredibly boring as well as totally baffling.
    October 26, 2012

    Demonstrates what half the budget and twice the story can do to turn a fake nightmare into a real chore.

    New York Times
    October 26, 2012

    The distinction between actors and special effects shrinks ever further in the video game-turned-horror film Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, which reduces its human players to plastic action figures in tired genre settings.

    Boston Globe
    October 26, 2012

    Silent Hill: Revelation 3D quickly devolves into a smorgasbord of sutured faces and blades poking the viewer in the eye.

    Los Angeles Times
    October 26, 2012

    It's never a good sign when the trailers playing before a film have richer, more complete narratives than the feature you've paid to see.

    Entertainment Weekly
    October 26, 2012

    An ugly, assaultive collection of jump-scares.

    November 25, 2013

    It manages to not only contort itself into a form that is simultaneously convoluted and stupid but it also skilfully avoids any audience engagement despite a tumultuous whirl of spectacle and noise.

    Movie Talk
    March 19, 2013

    The demon-haunted West Virginia town still gives the creeps... but this belated sequel proves to be only fitfully exciting and scary - mostly because the action stops every few minutes for yet another character to deliver reams of boring exposition.

    February 19, 2013

    There has to be someone out there who can make a successful video-game adaptation because faith is being lost year after year and Silent Hill: Revelation does nothing for the many unwavering believers.

    Georgia Straight
    February 15, 2013

    Just how terrible is SH3D? Well, at one point, writer-director Michael J. Bassett actually tries to scare you with a Kellogg's Frosted Pop-Tart. No kidding.

    Tribune News Service
    January 05, 2013

    Put this much effort into bringing your idea of Hell to the screen, film fans will start calling you Satan. And not in a good way.

    KWQC-TV (Iowa)
    November 20, 2012

    I can't imagine anyone who hasn't played the video game who would give a shout-out to the 'Silent Hill' sequel.

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