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    Open Grave

    A man woke up in a pit full of dead bodies lying between the wild. He completely lost his memory and was trying to determine he was alive or a murderer. In that situation he ran away and broke into one house nearby and was controlled by one group of strangers with guns same to the others. They started conflicting each other because no one determined who was who. However, when they discovered one danger that threatened their lives, they were forced to team up before it was too late.  
    Duration: 102 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2013
    IMDb: 6.2
    (5) Voted
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  • Actors of "Open Grave"

  • Characters of "Open Grave"

    John / Jonah. Character of Open Grave
    Played by: Sharlto Copley
    Lukas. Character of Open Grave
    Brown Eyes. Character of Open Grave
    Played by: Josie Ho
    Nathan. Character of Open Grave
    Played by: Joseph Morgan
    Michael. Character of Open Grave
    Played by: Max Wrottesley
    Crone. Character of Open Grave
    Played by: Márta Szabó
    Sickly Man. Character of Open Grave
    Grandma. Character of Open Grave
    Boy. Character of Open Grave
    Played by: Tofi Seffer
  • Directors of "Open Grave"

    Gonzalo López-Gallego. Director of Open Grave
    Gonzalo López-Gallego
  • Creators of "Open Grave"

    Eddie Borey. Director of Open Grave
    Eddie Borey
    Chris Borey. Director of Open Grave
    Chris Borey
  • Critic Reviews of "Open Grave"

    Village Voice
    January 07, 2014

    The road to the finale is littered with dead bodies and red herrings, but Open Grave is more notable for its laid-back approach to storytelling than for its plot twists.
    January 03, 2014

    Where the story leads is so disappointing-and hackneyed-it makes the entire journey feel like an enormous waste of time.

    January 02, 2014

    The film's aura of mystery only works in the first 20 minutes or so, when it seems effortless; after that it feels like it's working very hard to keep the truth obscured, and in so doing just becomes a colorless slog.

    Under the Radar
    September 07, 2014

    The film doesn't break any new ground, and with a few tweaks, it could have packed a far greater punch.
    July 14, 2014

    Open Grave starts off well enough, but soon finds itself as lost and confused as its amnesiac characters.
    January 12, 2014

    Stock characters in a poorly plotted zombie-apocalypse storyline jabbed with a ham-fisted musical score, "Open Grave" is an elementary horror movie geared to set the genre back 30 years.

    January 10, 2014

    Decent payoffs for those who are interested in playing along -- and willing to contend with a few slow spots in the mid-section.

    The Dissolve
    January 08, 2014

    It's a nifty what's-going-on-here? setup with loads of potential, all of which is sadly squandered.

    January 04, 2014

    ... another genre head-scratcher from López-Gallego, who last brought us 'Apollo 18' ... It won't impress the more literal-minded fans of 'World War Z' or 'The Crazies.'
    January 03, 2014

    Perhaps next time a little more faith in the power of visuals and performance would do the trick. Anything but another 100 minutes of dull characters sharing their inner monologue would be preferable.
    January 02, 2014

    Open Grave ends up merging Agatha Christie with 'The Last of Us,' with varying degrees of success.

    We Got This Covered
    December 30, 2013

    Its climax may not be to everyone's tastes, but so relentless are the number of intriguing questions present in Open Grave's onset that it more than warrants a look.

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