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    The Divide

    A devastating nuclear attack thrusts nine strangers together in the bunker-like basement of their New York apartment building. Trapped for days underground with no hope for rescue, and only unspeakable horrors awaiting them on the other side of the bunker door, the group begins to descend into madness, each turning on one another with physical and psycho-sexual torment.
    Duration: 112 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2011
    IMDb: 5.8
    (4) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Divide"

  • Characters of "The Divide"

    Eva. Character of The Divide
    Played by: Lauren German
    Mickey. Character of The Divide
    Played by: Michael Biehn
    Josh. Character of The Divide
    Bobby. Character of The Divide
    Played by: Michael Eklund
  • Directors of "The Divide"

    Xavier Gens. Director of The Divide
    Xavier Gens
    Birthdate: 27 April 1975, Dunkerque, Nord, France
  • Creators of "The Divide"

    Karl Mueller. Director of The Divide
    Karl Mueller
    Eron Sheean. Director of The Divide
    Eron Sheean
  • Critic Reviews of "The Divide"

    Time Out
    April 09, 2015

    Its nihilism feels cynical rather than authentically bleak, and the increasingly histrionic scenes start to resemble an indulgent actors' workshop that has spun out of control.

    Minneapolis Star Tribune
    January 23, 2012

    The film's only point appears to be lurid delight in topping one atrocity with another.

    Washington Post
    January 20, 2012

    The tale quickly degenerates from a dramatically promising clash of personalities under pressure to a gratuitous display of rape, murder, torture, dismemberment, madness, ugly misogyny, naked racism and yelling.

    Globe and Mail
    January 20, 2012

    It's a rare movie where the most likable character onscreen, and the feel-good hero of the damnable show, is none other than the hardy cockroach.

    Toronto Star
    January 19, 2012

    In the end, the pace of the film is just too sluggish to maintain our interest and, at under two hours, it feels longer.
    January 13, 2012

    Delivers everything that horror fans might want from a post-apocalyptic thriller - rape, self-immolation, youngster harvesting, throat-slitting, more rape - everything, that is, except a reason to care.

    August 26, 2015

    Hits its stride in Act II, and once that moment has passed, you're stuck with one irritating slog toward a rather disappointing climax.

    Shadows on the Wall
    April 09, 2015

    It isn't long before the plot and characters have nowhere left to go but down to the depths of human depravity. And by the end it's impossible to see the point.

    The Playlist
    April 09, 2015

    "The Divide" is an ugly film, both visually and thematically. But it only really rubs you the wrong way if you take it seriously, which we can't imagine anyone would.
    April 09, 2015

    Whatever edge of fear and tension the movie might have possessed is traded for blistering annoyance as the cast near-cannibalizes one another while screeching at top volume for over 120 minutes.

    Austin Chronicle
    April 09, 2015

    Gens' film, while a far darker vision of the day the world ends, is more sexually sordid than satisfying. Save the humans? Why bother?

    April 09, 2015

    The Divide is extremely nasty and relentlessly bleak but it's worth seeing if you like that sort of thing.

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