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    MDMA (Angie X)

    Based on true events, the movie takes after a young girl called Angie who will join the university for her first year. After some time there, her financial conditions turns gravely, more regrettable when her parents quit sending her money. She finds a work to get money by trading the drug. Starting there forward, Angie swings to be a big trader among the most prevalent and tremendous road drug merchants over the city.
    Duration: 98 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2017
    IMDb: 5.3
    (2) Voted
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    FVP Anonymous
    first impression was: Negative 25 minutes into movies turned it off. came back just had nothing better to watch. till end of movie I noticed a cameo without knowing it was a cameo. hadn't read Based on true events. second time: i got into her character. me personally, glad i watched the whole movie. gave 5 stars because she had the courage to keep her story real.
    2018-10-08 23:10

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  • Actors of "MDMA (Angie X)"

  • Characters of "MDMA (Angie X)"

    Angie. Character of MDMA (Angie X)
    Played by: Annie Q.
    Tommy. Character of MDMA (Angie X)
  • Creators of "MDMA (Angie X)"

    Angie Wang. Director of MDMA (Angie X)
    Angie Wang
  • Critic Reviews of "MDMA (Angie X)"

    Los Angeles Times
    September 12, 2018

    "MDMA"... doesn't fully communicate the context of Angie's experience priors to the film, keeping us removed from the character and the movie as a whole.

    September 12, 2018

    Although MDMA goes to some dark places and features its share of ugly scenes, it's ultimately a story of hope and redemption.

    September 04, 2018

    MDMA is all excess: giant hair, stacks of silver bangles, dramatic flashbacks, and lots of shouting

    Hollywood Reporter
    May 03, 2017

    It's Wang's eye for social realities, brought to life by her cast, that gives her film its edge.

    September 14, 2018

    The redemption arc plays out with minimal subtlety or surprise, leaving the film's amusing period details as the only saving grace.

    Film Journal International
    September 14, 2018

    [Wang's] screenplay is a roiling yet random stew of melodramatic elements all too calculated to wring the most extreme emotional reaction from the viewer.

    Daily Film Fix
    September 14, 2018

    Earnest, but awkwardly written and produced, "MDMA" is an R-rated after-school special with its heart in the right place.

    The Young Folks
    September 14, 2018

    Wang doesn't attempt to garner any undeserved sympathy for her younger self or over-explain her erratic behavior. She simply lays out the facts (as best she can relay them) and affords the viewer the ability to pass judgment.

    Mark Reviews Movies
    September 13, 2018

    There are a lot of excuses made by and for the main character of MDMA.

    Movie Nation
    September 10, 2018

    Lurid, uneven exploitation masquerading as a cautionary tale about "Molly."

    The Hollywood News
    August 30, 2018

    Set during the eighties, Cardinal X perfectly encapsulates the punk era through a combination of music, fashion and attitude.

    It's Just Movies
    May 27, 2017

    An uneven screenplay is saved by a fascinating story and Annie Q.'s spot on portrayal of a college student adrift.

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