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    30 years after the original film, the movies rebooted for a new generation. Four women, Erin Gilbert, Abby Yates, Jillian Holtzmann and Patty Tolanwho start a ghost-catching business in New York City.
    Duration: 117 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2016
    IMDb: 6.8
    (35) Voted
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    Wordsfrom1whoLeads Anonymous
    total crap, what a flop (lost est. $59mil when add for marketing expenses), they couldn't spin enough controversy to save this dumptser-fire, annoying characters, no jokes, lazy story, and women acting like men (why even use female actors, men in drag would have been the same), there is a reason they changed the title to Ghostbusters: Answer the Call on dvd... cause it's an insult to share the same name as the original success
    2019-05-10 03:05
    Lidster #1 Movies Online user
    Worthy watching, compare to orginal, enjoyed it emensely !
    2018-05-12 08:05
    Kobayushi #1 Movies Online user
    You know what? Not terrible. I mean it's not the originals, but it had it's own little thing. I won't hate on it.
    2018-03-25 05:03

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  • Actors of "Ghostbusters"

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  • Characters of "Ghostbusters"

    Erin Gilbert. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Kristen Wiig
    Ed Mulgrave. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Ed Begley Jr.
    Abby Yates. Character of Ghostbusters
    Jillian Holtzmann. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Kate McKinnon
    Patty Tolan. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Leslie Jones
    Rowan North. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Neil Casey
    Kevin. Character of Ghostbusters
    Martin Heiss. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Bill Murray
    Jonathan the Theater Manager. Character of Ghostbusters
    Slimer. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Adam Ray
    Agent Rorke. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Matt Walsh
    Mayor Lenny Clotch. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Andy Garcia
    Al Roker. Character of Ghostbusters
    Played by: Al Roker
  • Directors of "Ghostbusters"

    Paul Feig. Director of Ghostbusters
    Paul Feig
    Birthdate: 17 September 1962, Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA
  • Creators of "Ghostbusters"

    Katie Dippold. Director of Ghostbusters
    Katie Dippold
    Paul Feig. Director of Ghostbusters
    Paul Feig
    Birthdate: 17 September 1962, Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Ghostbusters"

    The Atlantic
    July 26, 2016

    It's funny, and nuanced in its funniness: hehs to haaaaaaas to lols.

    New Yorker
    July 18, 2016

    So, how do the Ghostbusters of today shape up against the boys of yesteryear? Pretty well ...

    July 15, 2016

    This is a mediocre horror/comedy that deserves neither high praise nor disparagement.

    Christian Science Monitor
    July 14, 2016

    As is so often the case with special-effects-heavy movies, the character comedy quickly gets trampled by the effects (in this case, not special).

    July 14, 2016

    In her wily line delivery and cocksure swagger, McKinnon resembles nothing if not a young Bill Murray. Through her thick goggles is the impish spark that keeps movies like this in orbit.

    July 14, 2016

    These women are having fun just being together and getting to don matching jumpsuits and whale on undead spirits, and their evident joy makes us happy to hop in the hearse for a ride-along.

    April 25, 2017

    With these four performers in place, the movie finds some magic.

    New Zealand Herald
    February 17, 2017

    It's a lot of fun, and allows each of the women to showcase their different comedic stylings whilst going up against "the man" (both literally and figuratively)

    January 08, 2017

    Winningly relevant, irreverent, anarchic, and delightful.

    Film Ireland Magazine
    January 03, 2017

    Very, very fun.

    Film Experience
    January 02, 2017

    It was hard to even stay a little bit mad at the film since it starts well with a tour of a haunted house (with actual jokes for minor characters!) and stays funny for good stretches thereafter.

    Seven Days
    January 01, 2017

    That crucial balance of the old and new is just one of many things [Feig] gets exactly right.

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