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    The Heat (2013)

    The Heat is a funny story about a FBI agent Sarah Ashbum and a policewoman Shannon Mullins when they cooperate to deal with the task. A smart, sharp and cautious person while the other has hothead and is sulky. Initially they do not like each other but things gradually change when they understand each other. Two people, 2 natures but they make the miracle when they capture the notorious drug boss.
    Duration: 117 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2013
    IMDb: 6.6
    (14) Voted
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  • Actors of "The Heat (2013)"

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  • Characters of "The Heat (2013)"

    Ashburn. Character of The Heat (2013)
    Played by: Sandra Bullock
    Det. Shannon Mullins. Character of The Heat (2013)
    Hale. Character of The Heat (2013)
    Played by: Demián Bichir
    Jason Mullins. Character of The Heat (2013)
    Craig. Character of The Heat (2013)
    Played by: Dan Bakkedahl
    Captain Woods. Character of The Heat (2013)
    LeSoire. Character of The Heat (2013)
    Played by: Adam Ray
    Gina. Character of The Heat (2013)
  • Directors of "The Heat (2013)"

    Paul Feig. Director of The Heat (2013)
    Paul Feig
    Birthdate: 17 September 1962, Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA
  • Creators of "The Heat (2013)"

    Katie Dippold. Director of The Heat (2013)
    Katie Dippold
  • Critic Reviews of "The Heat (2013)"

    January 06, 2014

    McCarthy's an actress who needs a foil, and for now Bullock is more than good enough. I just wish these two had found each other 10 years ago.
    August 08, 2013

    Director Paul Feig, whose Bridesmaids upended notions of what a raunchy ensemble comedy could be, does it again here with another genre.

    Time Out
    July 30, 2013

    If you've never seen the point of Sandra Bullock, watch this.

    Rolling Stone
    July 08, 2013

    There are only two reasons to see The Heat. But they are formidable reasons, and they go by the names of Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.
    July 03, 2013

    Yes, it's a cop-buddy film, and of course there is a case to be solved. But nobody cares about the familiarity of the premise. You get the sense that Paul Feig doesn't care either.

    Village Voice
    July 01, 2013

    If you've never seen Sandra Bullock blow a peanut shell out of her nose, and you'd like to, The Heat is your movie.

    The Film Stage
    August 08, 2016

    In the cinematic world of worthwhile cop partnerships, The Heat is just an addled rookie.

    Epoch Times
    June 19, 2016

    Bawdy, R-rated, the racial jokes run rampant: the sight-gag of a female cop stopping a perp with a hurled watermelon is just all kinds of funny. It oughta be a new franchise.

    April 12, 2016

    It takes a special kind of film to evoke uproarious laughter from the sight of Sandra Bullock being repeatedly stabbed in the leg, but "The Heat" does exactly that.

    Critic's Notebook
    October 08, 2015

    Ms. Bullock as the aggressive brute and Ms. McCarthy as the straitlaced go-getter would have challenged these easy stereotypes and made them a tad less insulting to successful career women everywhere.

    The Improper Bostonian
    May 12, 2015

    For the first half hour I thought it was gearing up to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but eventually it grew on me.

    Antagony & Ecstasy
    December 29, 2014

    Has good momentum and it's not actively unpleasant to look at, which sets it well on the right side of the bell curve of modern American comedy.

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