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    Day of the Dead: Bloodline

    A small group of military personnel and survivalists dwell in an underground bunker as they seek to find a cure in a world overrun by zombies.
    Duration: 90 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2018
    IMDb: 3.4
    (29) Voted
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    TomCruise Anonymous
    super movie...! for zombie lovers
    2018-07-04 09:07
    deathstroke7six Anonymous
    at least love makes a zombie smart because to a normal person, love makes him dumb.
    2018-06-06 14:06
    Kenjie Anonymous
    Didnt finished the movie before my comment. Now atleast i understand why zombie is unsual. But i still think that this movie is rediculous and funny haha. Not so recommended.
    2018-04-26 19:04
    Kenjie Anonymous
    The zombie who was obsessed with the leading character is the smartest zombie i've ever watched. He manage to stalk the girl like a he wasn't even infected. I think its ridiculous and funny at the same time.
    2018-04-26 19:04
    bigschnozz Anonymous
    folks, its not Othello, its a zombie flick, the heroine is hot and its free... so chill
    2018-02-01 00:02
    Div Anonymous
    This is how you ruin a cult classic. Remake your nonsense. Rotter!
    2018-01-29 15:01
    Div Anonymous
    This is how you select one of the best cult classic and add nonsense to it and throw it at viewers who have already seen everything in the horror genre. As if there was a story...
    2018-01-29 15:01
    Horrorfan Anonymous
    Wow... that was awful. Atrocious writing that doesn’t reach the level of so bad it’s funny. Paper-thin characters who are unbelievably dumb and one-dimensional. And I love checking the radiator by fiddling around on top of the engine and over by the firewall.
    2018-01-22 16:01
    Horrorfan Anonymous
    Oh, my word... what a horrible movie. The writing was an absolute abomination, but unfortunately not bad enough to get a good laugh out of. Insanely stupid with bland, paper-thin characters.
    2018-01-22 16:01
    Shershnev #1 Movies Online user
    Not recomended
    2018-01-09 21:01

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  • Actors of "Day of the Dead: Bloodline"

  • Directors of "Day of the Dead: Bloodline"

    Hèctor Hernández Vicens. Director of Day of the Dead: Bloodline
    Hèctor Hernández Vicens
  • Creators of "Day of the Dead: Bloodline"

    Mark Tonderai. Director of Day of the Dead: Bloodline
    Mark Tonderai
    Lars Jacobson. Director of Day of the Dead: Bloodline
    Lars Jacobson
  • Critic Reviews of "Day of the Dead: Bloodline"

    Los Angeles Times
    January 06, 2018

    Would that Romero could arise like one of his creations, just to take a nasty bite out of this cheap "reimagining" of one of his movies and consign it to a genre graveyard where nothing comes back.
    January 05, 2018

    Bloodline can't figure out its message, and the characters are nowhere near interesting enough to overcome the muddled themes of the film

    Common Sense Media
    January 12, 2018

    Buckets of stale blood in zombie apocalypse tale.
    January 10, 2018

    A complete waste of time, taking part in what's now become a bad movie tradition: watching dismal filmmakers botch Romero's relatively simple zombie outbreak.

    We Got This Covered
    January 06, 2018

    Day Of The Dead: Bloodline somehow dethrones 2008's earlier remake attempt as an even more forgettable "reimagining" (aka rip-off).

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