Phyllis Spielman

Phyllis Spielman

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Phyllis Spielman was born in Floreseville, Texas. At the age of 8, she was accepted into a gifted and talented program that offered students with exceptional abilities to be pulled out of classes to focus on creative solutions to problem solving. Her grandparents owned The Devine News and was always involved in the community. In her first summer jo... Show more »
Phyllis Spielman was born in Floreseville, Texas. At the age of 8, she was accepted into a gifted and talented program that offered students with exceptional abilities to be pulled out of classes to focus on creative solutions to problem solving. Her grandparents owned The Devine News and was always involved in the community. In her first summer job at Sea World of Texas, Phyllis portrayed Penny the Penguin and other costumed characters to entertain the guests. She was active in theater and sports all four years in high school, but new experiences provided new challenges and real-life roles. While studying Public Relations at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island, she became the Public Relations Officer for the International Club, and developed an unquenchable curiosity for the world and its many cultures. Phyllis became a student, wife aka Phyllis Mack, mother (son's Adrian, Aden, and daughter and Angel Mack), makeup artist , U.S. Army Corporal (stationed in Friedberg, Germany), a defense contractor, and a world traveler. She spent time in 11 different countries: Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Canada, Mexico and Columbia. To facilitate her penchant for travel, she became fluent in Spanish and proficient in German, and dabbled in French and Italian. Phyllis says she's not through learning new languages and visiting foreign countries. She earned a B.A. in Business Administration/International Business from Incarnate Word University, San Antonio, Texas, and later an M.A. in Global Management from Ashford University, Iowa. She has revisited her passion for acting, and in true Texas fashion, she's busted out of the gates with a full head of steam. After studying the acting craft in L.A. and Denver with Jorge-Luis Pallo and Brian McCulley for Television and Movie roles and with Sylvia Gregory for Commercial Work and Mark Grove for action on screen, Phyllis was cast for a television pilot on the small screen in a production filmed in Columbia, South America. In 2014, she debuted on the big screen in "The White Witch," developed for Denver's 48-hour Film Festival, in the title role. That film earned Runner Up for the Audience Choice awards, and was later honored in "Denver's Best Of..." competition for 2014. As if a fuse had been lit, Phyllis' acting career truly began after booking the lead role as Sarah in "Sirens," a 24 minute short film released in August 2015. She was cast for supporting roles in the feature-length film "Sever" (as reporter Veronica Desky) and caught the eye of Hollywood Director Pearry Teo and was cast as Martha in the World Wide Released Feature Film "Ghosthunters" 2016. Phyllis brings a full arsenal of athletic and social skills to her screen-acting abilities. In addition to her innate ability to learn languages, she's primed for action with advanced-level capabilities in snow skiing and intermediate abilities riding horseback - including barrel racing and cutting - weightlifting, in-line skating and roller skating, beginner ballet and yoga. As if that's not enough, Phyllis is experienced with firearms, driving stick shift and has her motorcycle license. And every self-respecting girl from the Lone Star State dazzles with the Texas Two-Step, among other dancing skills. When Phyllis isn't seeking adventure on and off the big screen, she's apt to devote her energy to supporting her children, community events and the Wounded Warrior project and others. Show less «

Phyllis Spielman's FILMOGRAPHY

Finding Grace


10/31 Part 2


Day of the Dead: Bloodline





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