Yissendy Trinidad

Yissendy Trinidad

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Yissendy Trinidad In 2014 she became a member of the Screen Actors System, an acting class taught by director and editor Ryan R. Williams who is most known for his film Chick Magnet.Yissendy's past works include second billing in an independent feature film as well as several shorts. Yissendy Trinidad was born into a large family in Santiago, ... Show more »
Yissendy Trinidad In 2014 she became a member of the Screen Actors System, an acting class taught by director and editor Ryan R. Williams who is most known for his film Chick Magnet.Yissendy's past works include second billing in an independent feature film as well as several shorts. Yissendy Trinidad was born into a large family in Santiago, Dominican Republic. In 2004 Yissendy's family made the difficult relocation to the United States of America. She spent the majority of her younger years here and attended Polytechnic Femenino High School. They ended up in Lawrence, MA. Yissendy received a degree as a medical assistant from Hesser College. She also received a degree in the Business of Arts at the University of Phoenix. However, despite the degrees she knew exactly what she really wanted to be... an actress. In 2013 Yissendy took it upon herself to move the city of angels, Los Angeles, California. Her passion for the arts continues to grow as she strives to reach the goal she has had since she was a little girl... to win an Oscar. It may be a long and winding road with plenty of pitfalls but one thing is clear, that has never stopped her before and you can rest assured, it will not stop her now. Show less «

Yissendy Trinidad's FILMOGRAPHY

Faking It - Season 2


My Crazy Ex - Season 1


Kingdom - Season 1


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 7


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 6


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 5


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 3


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 4


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 2


Mysteries at the Museum - Season 1

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