Yasaman Mohsani

Yasaman Mohsani

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Yasaman Mohsani is an English Actress, born in Tehran, Iran. She has debuted with her role as Female Lead in the Punjabi feature film 'Aaja Mexico Challiye'.Prior to this and whilst undertaking acting training, Mohsani studied and worked as an Architectural assistant. Receiving her BA(Hons) degree (2014) and later attending University Col... Show more »
Yasaman Mohsani is an English Actress, born in Tehran, Iran. She has debuted with her role as Female Lead in the Punjabi feature film 'Aaja Mexico Challiye'.Prior to this and whilst undertaking acting training, Mohsani studied and worked as an Architectural assistant. Receiving her BA(Hons) degree (2014) and later attending University Collage London (UCL) where she was awarded a Distinction for her Masters (2018) project, that explored how language and the multilingual migrant community, can be utilized as a design tool to develop an architectural representation that embraces the communities heterogeneity.She continued to explore working in the film industry as a member of the art department for Brave New World (2019) whilst developing her skills as an actress. Show less «

Yasaman Mohsani's FILMOGRAPHY

Secret Invasion - Season 1


Gangs of London - Season 2


Aaja Mexico Challiye


Gangs of London - Season 1

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