Todd Senofonte

Todd Senofonte

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5 May 1969, Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
Birth Name: 
Todd David Senofonte
173 cm
Todd has been in the movie business for two decades, he is an actor/stuntman/athlete and a man of many talents. He always dreamed of being in movies. With his drive and persistence he was hired on the film Sudden Death in 1994 to be Jean-Claude Van Damme's stand-in/photo double. After a few films he also became Van Damme's stunt double. H... Show more »
Todd has been in the movie business for two decades, he is an actor/stuntman/athlete and a man of many talents. He always dreamed of being in movies. With his drive and persistence he was hired on the film Sudden Death in 1994 to be Jean-Claude Van Damme's stand-in/photo double. After a few films he also became Van Damme's stunt double. He landed his first acting role as Letov in Fist Of Legends 2: Iron Bodyguards. His end fight scene is considered one of the best in a martial arts film. He landed his second role as Jean-Fraud Croissant in the hilarious Kung Phooey. Todd is now gaining fame for his acting abilities as well as being one of the best athletic actors in the business. Todd and Jean-Claude have a brother like relationship. He has excelled in sports such as: football, baseball, basketball, tennis, bowling, golf, archery to name a few. With his innate ability, the sky is the limit for Todd. Show less «

Todd Senofonte's FILMOGRAPHY

The Rideshare Killer


Cranium Intel


Jersey Shore Shark Attack


Super Shark


Power Rangers Time Force - Season 1

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