Sunny Kelley

Sunny Kelley

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Sunny Kelley is an Actress that began her film career several years ago. Definitely, no stranger to the industry; she is rooted in theater as well as Talent Exhibits.Sunny studied the Sanford Meisner Technique under Director, Producer, Grant McGowen and attended workshops w Director, Tommy Ford (90s sitcom-Martin) and a host of others. She worked a... Show more »
Sunny Kelley is an Actress that began her film career several years ago. Definitely, no stranger to the industry; she is rooted in theater as well as Talent Exhibits.Sunny studied the Sanford Meisner Technique under Director, Producer, Grant McGowen and attended workshops w Director, Tommy Ford (90s sitcom-Martin) and a host of others. She worked as background and Stand-In for several productions- in addition to Supporting Roles in films such as: The Have & Have Nots, Heavy Water, The Originals, Atlanta Law, Comeback Dad, Advocate & Solicitor, Mr. Right, Legend of Hip Hop, Pilots: Brothers in Atlanta & Luix X (RMGMedia), Lee Daniels, STAR on Fox, served as an Associate Producer and Actress on TV Show- Remix:TheSeries. She has Captivated Audiences w her Thespian Presence in Stage Play, Freedom Ain't Free- How much will Your Freedom Cost and serves as Supportive Principle in an Independent Film.Though Sunny has a significant amount of Love for the Craft, she has expanded her abilities within the Film/Entertainment Industry by serving as an active member of the Production; Assistant Director, Script Supervisor, and Producer.Sunny enjoys writing and inspiring others. She is a contributing writer with US Press Association and Licensed Insurance Broker/Recruiter.Sunny understands her 'calling' to be Philanthropy. She believes her life to be an example and is predicated by the Laws of Attraction. 'Whatever Energies you exude in the Atmosphere are certain to return'.Balance is and has been Key while in Pursuit.Sunny works as a mentor for youth- with hopes that she could one day pass the baton. And also host an Actors Prayer Breakfast, Quarterly.Sunny embraces the Journey of an Actress and learning New levels of her artistry. She definitely seizes each teachable moment in this expedition; while in Pre-production for her Own Independent Projects, she is looking forward to sharing special moments and accomplishments with her family. Show less «

Sunny Kelley's FILMOGRAPHY

For Better or Worse - Season 3


For Better or Worse - Season 2


For Better or Worse - Season 1

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