Story Walker

Story Walker

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Story Walker is a flourishing actor, singer-songwriter, dancer, and ukulele player. A true creative, some of her credits and awards include a lead role in the groundbreaking Showtime mini-series (The First Lady 2022) and best original composition in the Young Talent, Big Dreams competition (2020).Hailing from NYC, and now living in Miami, FL., Stor... Show more »
Story Walker is a flourishing actor, singer-songwriter, dancer, and ukulele player. A true creative, some of her credits and awards include a lead role in the groundbreaking Showtime mini-series (The First Lady 2022) and best original composition in the Young Talent, Big Dreams competition (2020).Hailing from NYC, and now living in Miami, FL., Story spends her free time writing music and enjoying time with her mom, dad, and little sister. Story's talent and passion are exciting to watch as she continues to rise in the industry as a "triple threat!" Show less «

Story Walker's FILMOGRAPHY

Steal Your Heart


The First Lady - Season 1

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