Rose Maria Wilde

Rose Maria Wilde

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American actress, writer, and producer Rose Maria Wilde was born and raised in New York City. She grew up an only child that was raised by a hardworking single mother, because of that she finds family the most important aspect in her life. She went to the New York Film Academy in 2008 and graduated with a BFA in Film Studies in 2012. She quickly fo... Show more »
American actress, writer, and producer Rose Maria Wilde was born and raised in New York City. She grew up an only child that was raised by a hardworking single mother, because of that she finds family the most important aspect in her life. She went to the New York Film Academy in 2008 and graduated with a BFA in Film Studies in 2012. She quickly followed that up with a MFA in Film Studies as well. Following her departure from NYFA she found herself interning for several production companies while working on a business plan to start her own.She made the move from New York to Atlanta in 2014 with anticipation to start her company in 2015. But fate had another plan for her. She met her now husband in 2014 and after a whirlwind romance they found themeseves getting married in the fall of 2015 causing Rose to push her start up back. However once again, fate decided to throw one more surprise her way and Rose found herself having her twin boys in May of 2016. Rose took some time off and began making preparations to start her company in 2017, when she started acquiring scripts and started making plans to produce starting in 2018 with her first feature film releasing in December of 2019. Show less «

Rose Maria Wilde's FILMOGRAPHY



After (2019)


Mary Poppins Returns


Bumblebee (2018)

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