Robert Budreau

Robert Budreau

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25 January 1974, London, Ontario, Canada
Robert Budreau is an award-winning director, writer and producer at Lumanity Productions, based in Toronto and Los Angeles. His most recent feature is a jazz film, called Born to Be Blue (2015), starring Ethan Hawke and Carmen Ejogo, released by IFC Films and eOne.His debut feature film, That Beautiful Somewhere (2006), was nominated for a Genie Aw... Show more »
Robert Budreau is an award-winning director, writer and producer at Lumanity Productions, based in Toronto and Los Angeles. His most recent feature is a jazz film, called Born to Be Blue (2015), starring Ethan Hawke and Carmen Ejogo, released by IFC Films and eOne.His debut feature film, That Beautiful Somewhere (2006), was nominated for a Genie Award (the Canadian equivalent to an Academy Award).He also wrote and produced Cubicle Warriors (2013) in 2013 and previously produced the Spanish comedy, El Jefe (2010), and the thriller, Solo (2013). Show less «

Robert Budreau's FILMOGRAPHY

Born to Be Blue

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