Rafaella Biscayn

Rafaella Biscayn

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28 September 1990, Paris, France
169 cm
Rafaella Biscayn is a French actress born & raised in Paris. Her background has Italian & Venezuelan roots.Rafaella's love for acting and movies came from being on set at a young age; her parents worked in the TV and Movie industry.Rafaella started singing at the tender age of five, followed with playing the violin at six, theater grou... Show more »
Rafaella Biscayn is a French actress born & raised in Paris. Her background has Italian & Venezuelan roots.Rafaella's love for acting and movies came from being on set at a young age; her parents worked in the TV and Movie industry.Rafaella started singing at the tender age of five, followed with playing the violin at six, theater groups and dancing ballet at the age of seven. She then started doing voice-overs, later leading to a the recording of a music demo sponsored by Universal Music France when she was only 8 years old.That was the time her family relocated to the US. It was here she furthered her passion for acting, singing, booking opera recitals and working on short films, indies, commercials, TV shows and hosting shows.She is also the young author (published at 14) of reality novel Call 911 on 9/11 at 9:11 available online at Amazon.com and in local bookstores around Miami. She has worked with numerous September 11 non-profit organizations in the years following 2001.She moved to Los Angeles in 2010 to attend UCLA, earning a degree in Mass Communications and Film, developing her affinity for writing scripts, producing & acting.Since, she has worked with clients such as Apple, McDonald's, FORD, Honda, Nokia, KFC, Caesar's Palace, FOX, A&E, MTV, Univision... as well as acted in shorts, indies, TV episodes & a lot of fun commercials!Her favorite one is her "Nespresso" National with George Clooney & Danny Devito. Spot her out as Cleopatra!In 2016, she started UCLA's Acting for the Camera Professional Program with instructors & actresses Emily Rose, Andrea Bendewald & Marilyn Fox. Show less «

Rafaella Biscayn's FILMOGRAPHY

Bones - Season 2


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 20


Bones - Season 1


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 6


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 5


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 4


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 3


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 2


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 1

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