Luana Sandoval

Luana Sandoval

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Luana Sandoval is a multilingual German/Nicaraguan singer/songwriter (Alternative Pop, Latin Pop). In 2017, she released her EP Love, produced by Mark Roos.Her songs Love and Wake Up World were examined by expert music industry judges of the UK Songwriting Contest and received commended entry certificates. Luana has participated at the annual songw... Show more »
Luana Sandoval is a multilingual German/Nicaraguan singer/songwriter (Alternative Pop, Latin Pop). In 2017, she released her EP Love, produced by Mark Roos.Her songs Love and Wake Up World were examined by expert music industry judges of the UK Songwriting Contest and received commended entry certificates. Luana has participated at the annual songwriting contest of HOFA Production & Song Contest.Her song Wake Up World was listed in the Top 20 for the Rock & Heavy category and her song Melissa in Broadjam's Top 10 Chart for the Latin-Salsa and Germany categories.Besides songwriting, Luana developed a passion for writing minimal music for piano and violin. Based on her compositions, she created and debuted her own production, a dance play called Life of a Dancer. The debut performance was in October 2015 in Trier, Germany and received media coverage.In Germany, Luana studied opera singing and has performed in numerous opera and musical theatre productions. In May 2018, she moved to New York to pursue a career in singing, songwriting, dancing and acting.Since living in New York, Luana has landed two principal roles in the feature films The Last Fire (written and directed by Jorge Silva) and Color Blind (written and directed by Mikey Jay). Show less «

Luana Sandoval's FILMOGRAPHY

Snapped - Season 2


Snapped - Season 3


American Idol - Season 4


Snapped - Season 1


Snapped - Season 29


American Idol - Season 3


American Idol - Season 2


American Idol - Season 1

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