Lea Salonga
22 February 1971, Manila, Philippines
Birth Name:
Maria Lea Carmen Imutan Salonga
159 cm
Lea Salonga began her singing career at the age of ten, when she recorded her first album, Small Voice. She also hosted her own musical TV show, "Love, Lea". She starred in "Miss Saigon" and was then offered the role of the singing voice of Jasmine in the Disney film Aladdin (1992). She has continued to record albums. Lea has pe...
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Lea Salonga began her singing career at the age of ten, when she recorded her first album, Small Voice. She also hosted her own musical TV show, "Love, Lea". She starred in "Miss Saigon" and was then offered the role of the singing voice of Jasmine in the Disney film Aladdin (1992). She has continued to record albums. Lea has performed for Queen Elizabeth II, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. Show less «
I have no inner monologue.
I have no inner monologue.
If you ain't got nothing nice to say, just shut the f*** up.
If you ain't got nothing nice to say, just shut the f*** up.
Love your enemies... it's not always an easy tenet to live by... and I have more often than not been inclined to wish my enemies ill than we...Show more »
Love your enemies... it's not always an easy tenet to live by... and I have more often than not been inclined to wish my enemies ill than well. Show less «
And if you really believe in your heart of hearts that you have the talent, go for it. But you've got to make sure you really have the talen...Show more »
And if you really believe in your heart of hearts that you have the talent, go for it. But you've got to make sure you really have the talent. I was watching that TV show, American Idol, and they were showing these auditions. The contestants think in their heart that they're talented, and the judges would say, 'You are appalling. You cannot sing.' And I painfully had to agree. But they really believe that they have something. You need a very objective person to say you've got talent. Show less «
I just refuse to date actors. I've done that, and I don't want to do that anymore. It's just the stress of traveling and being away from eac...Show more »
I just refuse to date actors. I've done that, and I don't want to do that anymore. It's just the stress of traveling and being away from each other so much. Show less «
I'm probably one of the least ambitious people to ever walk the earth. Because I know the price that you have to pay. I know what that feels...Show more »
I'm probably one of the least ambitious people to ever walk the earth. Because I know the price that you have to pay. I know what that feels like at home in the Phillipines. I know what it's like to go shopping and have people stare at you. To not be able to go places because your safety is threatened. I quite enjoy the anonymity I have here--being recognized for my work but still be able to walk down the street and go shopping and be undisturbed and have my privacy respected. And that's not always the case at home. I appreciate the level of celebrity I've achieved at home, but I'm someone who doesn't do well with it. Show less «
I want every Filipino woman empowered with information regarding all options available to her regarding family planning. I want every Filipi...Show more »
I want every Filipino woman empowered with information regarding all options available to her regarding family planning. I want every Filipino to be armed with the right education regarding their bodies in the context of sex and reproduction; to exercise their free will in ensuring the quality of life based on their own personal, religious, and moral convictions and beliefs; and to have a fighting chance at a better life. Show less «
My stand is that I am for it. I've been consistently supporting it. I can understand the arguments for and the arguments against RH Bill. Th...Show more »
My stand is that I am for it. I've been consistently supporting it. I can understand the arguments for and the arguments against RH Bill. There are many valid arguments on both sides and I can understand where everybody's coming from as far as what their belief system is. Basically, you have to go with what your conscience tells you and you would have to know what is right for you. Without trampling upon somebody else's belief. Show less «
Because what's the use of all these contraceptives if you don't know how to use them? This kind of info needs to be transmitted to couples w...Show more »
Because what's the use of all these contraceptives if you don't know how to use them? This kind of info needs to be transmitted to couples who are about to get married [and] couples that are married and want to control the number of children they want to have and to make them aware of the choices that are available to them. I mean, they could choose natural family planning if that's what they feel they should have. They could choose condoms or birth control pills as long as these options are available and make known that it's available, then they can make an educated decision. Show less «
Couples or every citizen of age needs to be informed about this stuff. Both good and bad effects need to be given to married couples who wan...Show more »
Couples or every citizen of age needs to be informed about this stuff. Both good and bad effects need to be given to married couples who want to control their family size but may not have the info. You can't just say gusto ko yung pill. You have to know how it will affect your body; you have to know what the side effects will be. There is a failure rate because of improper usage. But if you use it properly then you're able to prevent disease or unwanted pregnancy. And obviously you will not teach a nine-year-old how to put a condom up a banana. Anybody who says that is not thinking straight. Show less «
[In reaction to Manny Pacquiao's opposition on the Reproductive Health bill] His point, which is a valid point, is: 'We have access to contr...Show more »
[In reaction to Manny Pacquiao's opposition on the Reproductive Health bill] His point, which is a valid point, is: 'We have access to contraception. Why do we still need the RH bill?' That's fine, but you have millions of pesos. What about a lot of your own constituents who have no access to it? Show less «


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