Lane Garrison

Lane Garrison

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23 May 1980, Dallas, Texas, USA
Birth Name: 
Lane Edward Garrison
177 cm
Lane Garrison is an American actor,writer from Dallas, Texas. After he graduated from J.J. Pearce High School, where Jessica Simpson also attended, he moved to Los Angeles. He was 18 and only had 400$ to his name, but his love and passion for making movies paid off after years of perseverance when he landed the role of " Tweener" in the F... Show more »
Lane Garrison is an American actor,writer from Dallas, Texas. After he graduated from J.J. Pearce High School, where Jessica Simpson also attended, he moved to Los Angeles. He was 18 and only had 400$ to his name, but his love and passion for making movies paid off after years of perseverance when he landed the role of " Tweener" in the FOX hit TV series Prison Break. In addition to making movies and shooting TV shows as an actor, Lane is a successful screenwriter having sold three scripts he wrote on spec. Show less «

Lane Garrison's FILMOGRAPHY

12 Mighty Orphans


The Divorce Party

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Lane Garrison'S roles

David 'Tweener' Apolskis
David 'Tweener' Apolskis
Pete Bottoms
Pete Bottoms