Kristolyn Lloyd

Kristolyn Lloyd

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11 January 1985, Houston, Texas, USA
Birth Name: 
Kristolyn Gail Lloyd
163 cm
Born and raised in a suburb outside of Houston Texas, Kristolyn graduated from Klein High school where she ran track and was an active member of the Drama Dept. She studied at Carnegie Mellon University where she received her Bachelor's Degree in Drama. She is the youngest of three. Sister of Markus Lloyd and Jeremy Lloyd and her parents are K... Show more »
Born and raised in a suburb outside of Houston Texas, Kristolyn graduated from Klein High school where she ran track and was an active member of the Drama Dept. She studied at Carnegie Mellon University where she received her Bachelor's Degree in Drama. She is the youngest of three. Sister of Markus Lloyd and Jeremy Lloyd and her parents are Kenneth and Lillie Lloyd. Show less «

Kristolyn Lloyd's FILMOGRAPHY

The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 4


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 3


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 2


The Bold and the Beautiful - Season 1

Example Example Example

Kristolyn Lloyd'S roles

Laura Banfield
Laura Banfield