Kristen Stewart
9 April 1990, Los Angeles, California, USA
Birth Name:
Kristen Jaymes Stewart
165 cm
Though most famous for her role as Isabella "Bella" Swan in The Twilight (2008) Saga, Kristen Stewart has been a working actor since her early years in Los Angeles, California, where she was born. Her parents, John Stewart and Jules Stewart, both work in film and television. Her mother is Australian. The family includes three boys, her ol...
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Though most famous for her role as Isabella "Bella" Swan in The Twilight (2008) Saga, Kristen Stewart has been a working actor since her early years in Los Angeles, California, where she was born. Her parents, John Stewart and Jules Stewart, both work in film and television. Her mother is Australian. The family includes three boys, her older brother Cameron Stewart and two adopted brothers Dana and Taylor.After a talent scout caught her grade school performance in a Christmas play at the age of eight, she appeared on television in a few small roles. Her first significant role came when she was cast as Sam Jennings in The Safety of Objects (2001). Soon after that, she starred alongside Jodie Foster in the hit drama, Panic Room (2002) and was nominated for a Young Artist Award.Praised for her Panic Room performance, she went on to join the cast of Cold Creek Manor (2003) as the daughter of Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone. Though the film did not do well at the box office, she received another nomination for a Young Artist Award. After appearing in a handful of movies and a Showtime movie called Speak (2004), Stewart was cast in the role of a teenage singer living in a commune in Sean Penn's Into the Wild (2007), a critically acclaimed biopic. A third Young Artist Award nomination resulted in a win for this role. She also appeared in Mary Stuart Masterson's The Cake Eaters (2007) that same year.Just 17, Stewart took on the starring role in Twilight (2008) which was based on a series of the same name written by Stephenie Meyer, the novel already had a huge following and the film opened to fans anxious to see the vampire romance brought to life. Awarded the MTV Movie Award for Best Female Performance, Stewart's turn as Bella continued in the sequels The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010). The final installments of the series start filming in late 2010.Despite her stratospheric launch into stardom with the Twilight films, she stayed true to her roots by working on a number of indie projects, including Adventureland (2009) (filmed prior to the Twilight series) and Welcome to the Rileys (2010). And she took on the daunting task of playing hard rocker Joan Jett in Floria Sigismondi's The Runaways (2010) alongside Dakota Fanning. Stewart received praise for her acting and musical performances and later won the 2010 BAFTA Rising Star Award and best actress at the Milan International Film Festival for Welcome to the Rileys (2010).Stewart starred in several other movies filmed between the Twilight Saga installments including the #1 summer box office hit, Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), and the Cannes selection On the Road (2012)A few of Stewart's following projects are: Sundance drama Camp X-Ray (2014), Cannes selection Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) for which she won a César award, and the Lionsgate distributed action comedy, American Ultra (2015), starring the Adventureland (2009) duo.Stewart continues to live in Los Angeles, California. Show less «
On working on Panic Room (2002) with such a big name star as Jodie Foster: When I got Panic Room, I'm like "Oh my God, that's huge! It's big...Show more »
On working on Panic Room (2002) with such a big name star as Jodie Foster: When I got Panic Room, I'm like "Oh my God, that's huge! It's bigger than huge." I was kind of freaked out at first. Show less «
(on her love for acting) I love it because I love to tell stories. I like being in movies that have a great story. I'm not so interested in ...Show more »
(on her love for acting) I love it because I love to tell stories. I like being in movies that have a great story. I'm not so interested in being a Hollywood star. It's a job, you know. When you wake up at six in the morning every day for a week, it feels like hard work. Show less «
I don't want to make movies for kids, and I don't want to make movies for adults either.
I don't want to make movies for kids, and I don't want to make movies for adults either.
Acting is such a personal thing, which is weird because at the same time it's not. It's for the consumption of other people. But in terms of...Show more »
Acting is such a personal thing, which is weird because at the same time it's not. It's for the consumption of other people. But in terms of creative outlets and expressing yourself, it's just the most extreme version of that that I've ever found. It's like running, it's exertion. When you reach that point where you can't go anymore and you stop and you take a breath, it's that same sort of clearing of the mind. Show less «
A lot of actors think that what we do is so important, like we're saving people's lives or something.
A lot of actors think that what we do is so important, like we're saving people's lives or something.
All I try to do in the press is be honest about something that I really care about.
All I try to do in the press is be honest about something that I really care about.
I've always had an aversion to looking sexy, but I've grown out of it.
I've always had an aversion to looking sexy, but I've grown out of it.
I start everything from the same place, with that sense of responsibility. On a bigger movie, you have to be aware that you can only control...Show more »
I start everything from the same place, with that sense of responsibility. On a bigger movie, you have to be aware that you can only control your aspect of the film. It's nice to be on a smaller movie because you're working with your friends and you feel so close-knit. It's your movie and you can do anything you want, and nobody's going to have anything to say. With a bigger movie, it concerns so many people. It's so much more of a process. But, in terms of what I do personally, it has to be the same, or else I'm just on some big movie, being a liar, and I can't do that. Show less «
Really, I'm incredibly disjointed and not candid. Just in general, my thoughts tend to come out in little spurts that don't necessarily conn...Show more »
Really, I'm incredibly disjointed and not candid. Just in general, my thoughts tend to come out in little spurts that don't necessarily connect. If you hang around long enough, you can find the linear path. But it will take a second. That is why these interviews never go well for me. Show less «
On having an aha moment when it came to pursuing an acting career: I have the "Aha" moments progressively -- they're like milestones and the...Show more »
On having an aha moment when it came to pursuing an acting career: I have the "Aha" moments progressively -- they're like milestones and they hit you. I think my first "Aha!" moment was when I did this movie called Speak (2004). I was just rolling with it, and ended up kind of really losing myself in it, so that I felt like I was a different person at the end. That was a big moment. Show less «
You should have the opportunity to be more than one person with different people - because you have that within you. It's not like you're fa...Show more »
You should have the opportunity to be more than one person with different people - because you have that within you. It's not like you're faking it. If everyone knows you so well and can always get a hold of you, then you're stuck to this thing that people think you are. You should have the opportunity to reinvent yourself. Because you do. Naturally. Show less «
On whether she wants to develop her skills as a writer: I do want to work on writing, because writing's a skill. Writing is something that y...Show more »
On whether she wants to develop her skills as a writer: I do want to work on writing, because writing's a skill. Writing is something that you can train yourself to know better. To know yourself better. And it's intimidating as hell. I mean, I definitely will always do what I've been doing. I've also started taking a lot of pictures, and they help the writing. The pictures help the writing. I mean, I want to make books. I want to take pictures and then write all over the pictures. And then I don't have to say a complete story, because I have the picture, and I have just a word. Show less «
On Bella Swan in New Moon (2009): Well, she loses what basically gives her the drive to do anything in her whole life. She loses the man she...Show more »
On Bella Swan in New Moon (2009): Well, she loses what basically gives her the drive to do anything in her whole life. She loses the man she's in love with, but she also loses her entire life plan, and she's so young to have to be forced into a decision like that. It's just a glorified, elaborate version of the worst breakup you've ever been through. All of a sudden, you question everything. All of a sudden, you know nothing and you're dropped in the middle of a freezing cold ocean. Oddly, we have a character that's warm enough and bright enough to bring her out of that, and it's truly gut-ripping. Because as perfect as Jacob is for her, she holds on to an ideal, the ultimate fiery love that she has for Edward even though it's not comfortable, it's not practical and it's not a good idea. Show less «
This weird thing happens when you're in a movie that has some level of success. People start offering you all kinds of things, and they just...Show more »
This weird thing happens when you're in a movie that has some level of success. People start offering you all kinds of things, and they just expect you to do them because they'll be good for your career. It's not about the project's integrity or anything like that. It's about raising your profile and all that crap. Show less «
I was just in Botswana in Africa. I wanted to learn something about the world. I just feel really ignorant whenever I leave the country. I d...Show more »
I was just in Botswana in Africa. I wanted to learn something about the world. I just feel really ignorant whenever I leave the country. I don't know a lot of stuff, and I really want to. I figure that traveling is a good way to start if you want knowledge. Like, if you don't know something about a country, then go and check it out. That's what I did. Show less «
On how her life has changed since Twilight (2008): My life hasn't changed. Most circumstances I find myself in are different than they were ...Show more »
On how her life has changed since Twilight (2008): My life hasn't changed. Most circumstances I find myself in are different than they were a year ago, but I myself haven't changed... however a normal 18-year-old girl would change in a year. But it makes things so much easier. I would do it for free every day [even] if nobody saw it. I cannot describe how good it feels to actually have something that is truly into your heart and soul actually affecting people. And that's amazing. So that's the biggest change. Show less «
On whether she wants to continue making movies or go to college: I absolutely have no foresight. I used to think I had a lot when I was youn...Show more »
On whether she wants to continue making movies or go to college: I absolutely have no foresight. I used to think I had a lot when I was younger. I worked really hard in school to give myself options, and I've literally taken those options and thrown them down the toilet. Purposely - not to make that sound totally negative. It's what I want. I want to keep doing what I'm doing. It's funny, people ask me all the time: "What do you do for fun? What do you do when you're not acting?". It's a strange thing, acting. It's a business, it's a job, everything like that. All it is, is self-reflection. You just never stop caring about people and I've never stopped doing that, so I'm sure it'll seep into other areas of my life. I want to write. I'm not going to school because I can't take the structure of it, but I'm not going to stop learning. Show less «
Usually, I come in and sit down at roundtables in America and they look at me like "What is wrong with you?". Just because I don't fit... no...Show more »
Usually, I come in and sit down at roundtables in America and they look at me like "What is wrong with you?". Just because I don't fit... nobody fits into the frame that typical Hollywood young actresses do, but they try to. They try to be this thing. Try to memorize answers and make everybody happy. That's so horrifying and scary to me. So when you're not that, you get criticized for it. You get criticized for being honest and criticized for being nervous. So that's kind of annoying. I do a whole day of press and then I get calls from publicity people that are like "You might want to be a little bit more bubbly." And I'm like "no". People get very upset in the States. It's weird. Fans of the book especially. They don't understand me. Which is fine. I guess it doesn't really matter who I am, it just matters that they like the movie. Show less «
On doing interviews: Self-evaluation is not my strong point, and you're constantly asked to critique yourself. You just spent three months o...Show more »
On doing interviews: Self-evaluation is not my strong point, and you're constantly asked to critique yourself. You just spent three months on a set and your whole life is wrapped up in that - and then it's like, "Okay, define that right now in five seconds." I can't do that. I used to get so nervous that I would become a completely different person - and then they would think that was me. So I've tried to calm down, but no one's ever going to write, "Oh, she's actually just a pretty f---in' average chick who really loves what she does." That's not gonna happen. Show less «
On how fame changed her life: There's nothing you can do about it, to be honest. I don't leave my hotel room -- literally, I don't. I don't ...Show more »
On how fame changed her life: There's nothing you can do about it, to be honest. I don't leave my hotel room -- literally, I don't. I don't talk to anybody about my personal life, and maybe that perpetuates it, too. But it's really important to own what you own and keep it to yourself. That said, the only way for me not to have somebody know where I went the night before is if I didn't go out at all. I'm trading. It depends on what mood I'm in. Some nights, I think, "You know what? I don't care. I'm going to do what I want to do." Then the next day I think, "Ugh. Now everyone thinks I'm going out to get the attention." and I'm like, "No, actually, for a second, thought that maybe I could be like a normal person.". Show less «
Speech after winning an Orange Bafta (2010): Wow. Thank you. I guess first I have to thank all the fans of Twilight for proving again and ag...Show more »
Speech after winning an Orange Bafta (2010): Wow. Thank you. I guess first I have to thank all the fans of Twilight for proving again and again to be THE most devoted and attentive fans ever. Considering this is voted, credit is due to them so thank you. To the other actors nominated, I am so blown away by you that I can't even describe it. To be voted among you is just overwhelming. And I'd like to say hi to my family. Show less «
People always ask me if Im dating Robert [Pattinson]. It's beyond annoying. What I say is, that, why would I want anything that's private to...Show more »
People always ask me if Im dating Robert [Pattinson]. It's beyond annoying. What I say is, that, why would I want anything that's private to become entertainment for other people? Show less «
My family are amazing. I had like, the perfect upbringing. It sucks for people like Lindsay [Lohan], but it's not her fault she's so off the...Show more »
My family are amazing. I had like, the perfect upbringing. It sucks for people like Lindsay [Lohan], but it's not her fault she's so off the rails - and she's smart, very smart. Show less «
I'm totally preoccupied with cooking. And now I'm obsessed with the Food Network. I like Paula Deen because she's hilarious,.
I'm totally preoccupied with cooking. And now I'm obsessed with the Food Network. I like Paula Deen because she's hilarious,.
It's weird, because I would be the last person in my school to be in plays, but I was forced to sing a song in a school thing. I sang a drei...Show more »
It's weird, because I would be the last person in my school to be in plays, but I was forced to sing a song in a school thing. I sang a dreidel song, which is funny for me. I've never celebrated Hanukkah - it wasn't in my upbringing, but it was one of those deals where everybody has to pick a song or participate somehow in the chorus. It wasn't the normal dreidel song; I can't really remember the words, but it was a more serious dreidel song. The dreidel was huge, it was really honored. And that's how I met my agent, who was in the audience. I was eight. Show less «
[on her hair]: Since I started acting, I have never had by natural color, which is light brown. But it's fine, it's funny seeing yourself lo...Show more »
[on her hair]: Since I started acting, I have never had by natural color, which is light brown. But it's fine, it's funny seeing yourself look different. Show less «
I'm asked all the time in interviews about who I am, and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self, but I couldn't say I kn...Show more »
I'm asked all the time in interviews about who I am, and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self, but I couldn't say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don't know myself at all yet. Show less «
I wouldn't tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens eve...Show more »
I wouldn't tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life. I would never tell you if I was dating anybody. Show less «
I think romance is anything honest. As long as it's honest, it's so disarming.
I think romance is anything honest. As long as it's honest, it's so disarming.
You build a perimeter of people that are really important to you.
You build a perimeter of people that are really important to you.
[on the down-side of fame]: There's no way to eloquently put this. I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very o...Show more »
[on the down-side of fame]: There's no way to eloquently put this. I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very often. And also to not ever be just 'some girl' again. Just being some chick at some place, that's gone. Show less «
Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is, "Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?"...Show more »
Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is, "Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?". Show less «
When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago.
When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago.
What you don't see are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or the people falling over themselves,...Show more »
What you don't see are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or the people falling over themselves, screaming and taunting to get a reaction. Show less «
I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them.
I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them.
It's impossible to always get across what I'm trying to say, but, if I just stay honest, then I'm not going to look back on any of these int...Show more »
It's impossible to always get across what I'm trying to say, but, if I just stay honest, then I'm not going to look back on any of these interviews and wonder what I was trying to do or be. Show less «
[on her rise to fame and claims that she is ungrateful or unhappy]: I totally am more comfortable now. I try not to have a celebrity skin, w...Show more »
[on her rise to fame and claims that she is ungrateful or unhappy]: I totally am more comfortable now. I try not to have a celebrity skin, which is why I think I run into problems. So many people say "Why don't you just play the part?". I do, I really try to do that. I guess I should get a face transplant or something. I really love what I do, I really love everybody that I've ever worked with, I've gotten really lucky. I'm very appreciative, so that always kills me. Show less «
I think it's funny that when I go onstage to accept an award, they think I'm nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward - and I am - but those are ...Show more »
I think it's funny that when I go onstage to accept an award, they think I'm nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward - and I am - but those are bad words for them. Show less «
[on the paparazzi]: Once somebody finds out, you have to get the hell out of wherever you are. People freak out. And the photographers, they...Show more »
[on the paparazzi]: Once somebody finds out, you have to get the hell out of wherever you are. People freak out. And the photographers, they're vicious. They're mean. They're like thugs. I don't even want to drive around by myself anymore. It's dangerous. Show less «
I don't think there's anything about being a celebrity that is desirable. I understand that everybody's going to know who you are and what y...Show more »
I don't think there's anything about being a celebrity that is desirable. I understand that everybody's going to know who you are and what you look like, but why be so obsessive? Show less «
Maybe I'm completely different from everyone else. There are a lot of girls who can't wait to get married and plan their wedding a long time...Show more »
Maybe I'm completely different from everyone else. There are a lot of girls who can't wait to get married and plan their wedding a long time in advance. I'm not like that. I do want to start a family at some point, but I don't know when. Show less «
[on punching Chris Hemsworth] I have to say for anyone who's ever been in that situation where, as a girl, you think it's not going to do an...Show more »
[on punching Chris Hemsworth] I have to say for anyone who's ever been in that situation where, as a girl, you think it's not going to do anything. It fucking does something. He was standing over me and I just went "boom!" I spun him around. I punched him right out of his close-up and then I started crying. I felt horrible. Show less «
The strangest part about being famous is you don't get to give first impressions anymore. Everyone already has an impression of you before y...Show more »
The strangest part about being famous is you don't get to give first impressions anymore. Everyone already has an impression of you before you meet them. Show less «
On Snow White and the Huntsman (2012): I'm having the most fulfilling experience as an actor. I'm close with Rupert Sanders, have his ear, a...Show more »
On Snow White and the Huntsman (2012): I'm having the most fulfilling experience as an actor. I'm close with Rupert Sanders, have his ear, and it's to his credit that I feel this way because I'm getting my first taste of really collaborating. Usually as an actor, you put your hands up and go, "That's not my thing." I love acting. Honestly, I love looking at the call sheet where it says my character's name above my name. That's what I'm here for, but it's also cool to be on their level. To give an opinion and be taken seriously. Show less «
I can't wait to not be working and go home and gain some interests. I want to see what I'm into. I want to figure out what I want.
I can't wait to not be working and go home and gain some interests. I want to see what I'm into. I want to figure out what I want.
[on wearing colored contacts in Twilight (2008)] The contacts suck so badly. You can't see anything thus people cannot see you, I feel. Ther...Show more »
[on wearing colored contacts in Twilight (2008)] The contacts suck so badly. You can't see anything thus people cannot see you, I feel. There is just no getting in there. Show less «
[on choosing to leave public school] School became genuinely uncomfortable. I was feeling a little self-conscious about the acting thing wit...Show more »
[on choosing to leave public school] School became genuinely uncomfortable. I was feeling a little self-conscious about the acting thing with my peers, but also my teachers became a problem. They didn't want to do the extra work or put packages together so I could keep up while away. They failed me. My teachers failed me. Not one, but all of them. I'm always slightly ashamed, in a way, about what I do. I'm slightly embarrassed as I had such serious ambitions when I was younger. I just never imagined that I would ever have a reason not to go to school, but then this happened. Show less «
[on her role as Melinda Sordino in Speak (2004)] I was definitely aware of the film's subject matter, and it wasn't because of anything that...Show more »
[on her role as Melinda Sordino in Speak (2004)] I was definitely aware of the film's subject matter, and it wasn't because of anything that had happened in my own life. Not at all. I grew up in a happy household. Show less «
It took me a long time to realize that I was a girl as a teenager. At that point, I never really believed it. I looked like a boy for a long...Show more »
It took me a long time to realize that I was a girl as a teenager. At that point, I never really believed it. I looked like a boy for a long time. Now finally, I feel like a woman. Show less «
[on the paparazzi] It really is not a nightmare, it's just one of those things. I guarantee whenever I get married or have a baby, everyone ...Show more »
[on the paparazzi] It really is not a nightmare, it's just one of those things. I guarantee whenever I get married or have a baby, everyone is going to want to know my kid's name and I'm not going to say it for ages. That's just the way I want to do it. It'll come out but it won't have come from me. They're going to be really pissed off that I won't say it and I'm just going to say, "No!" Show less «
I play music but only for myself. For my ears only.
I play music but only for myself. For my ears only.
If a woman isn't happy and un-opinionated and long-haired and pretty, then she's weird and ugly. I just don't get it. I hate it when they sa...Show more »
If a woman isn't happy and un-opinionated and long-haired and pretty, then she's weird and ugly. I just don't get it. I hate it when they say I'm ungrateful and I fucking hate it when they say I don't give a shit, because nobody cares more than I do. I'm telling you I don't know anybody who does this that gives a shit more than I do. Show less «
The reason I feel compelled to do movies is because of whatever feeling you get when you read it. And to have four years of not being done w...Show more »
The reason I feel compelled to do movies is because of whatever feeling you get when you read it. And to have four years of not being done with the Twilight Saga, it constantly weighs on you. You're constantly thinking about going back and finishing the series. Show less «
Every day, you come home from work you go, like, God I wish I could go back and do yesterday again because I'm better now.
Every day, you come home from work you go, like, God I wish I could go back and do yesterday again because I'm better now.
I know that I don't seem like the type of person that really loves to be in the center of things, but anyone to deny the type of energy, lik...Show more »
I know that I don't seem like the type of person that really loves to be in the center of things, but anyone to deny the type of energy, like the effect of shared love, you'd have to be a sociopath to not let it in. Show less «
As an actor your life is so wrapped up in your job. It's not normal. People's jobs don't affect their whole lives. Mine is why I love my lif...Show more »
As an actor your life is so wrapped up in your job. It's not normal. People's jobs don't affect their whole lives. Mine is why I love my life and so to talk about it to you guys [the media] and to know that it's not just you guys, that I'm talking through you to the fucking world, it's really scary at first. Now it's not only because I'm used to it. It just takes time. Show less «
I can't be anyone but myself, man!
I can't be anyone but myself, man!
I don't want to be Angelina Jolie. Not that Angelina Jolie is not the most talented, beautiful, successful, amazing, admirable person who do...Show more »
I don't want to be Angelina Jolie. Not that Angelina Jolie is not the most talented, beautiful, successful, amazing, admirable person who does good things for the world, but I don't want to be a movie star like that. I don't think there's anything about being a celebrity that is desirable. I understand that everybody's going to know who you are and what you look like, but why be so obsessive? Show less «
I would never cheapen my relationship by talking about them. People say, "Just say who you're dating. Then people will stop being so ravenou...Show more »
I would never cheapen my relationship by talking about them. People say, "Just say who you're dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it." It's like "No they won't! They'll ask for specifics.". Show less «
[on playing Marylou in On the Road (2012)] She's generous in every aspect of her life and she wants it back just at much. I'm a slightly dif...Show more »
[on playing Marylou in On the Road (2012)] She's generous in every aspect of her life and she wants it back just at much. I'm a slightly different person. I think that I liken myself much more to Sal's character, so to be that person running down the street with everyone chasing after was different. I think also she's so completely self-aware but not self-conscious and the same time and, like, I don't know how else to describe it other than there's just a generosity of absolutely everything. Because she wants everything in return she is willing to give you absolutely anything and I'm not like that. So it was fun. I also think that's why I loved the book initially. I wanna keep up with these characters. It's not that I'm so not like them, it's just that they inspire me. Show less «
[on working with female directors] It's hard to generalize about that subject because the women I've worked with have all been so different....Show more »
[on working with female directors] It's hard to generalize about that subject because the women I've worked with have all been so different. But if there's one consistency, it might be that you do have to handle yourself differently on a set. Women can be more emotional - at least they sometimes show it more. Show less «
If you respect yourself and you love yourself, that's the only way anybody else is going to.
If you respect yourself and you love yourself, that's the only way anybody else is going to.
Nowadays it's harder because everyone is on Facebook and everyone knows where you are all the time, and everyone's Twittering. I'm going to ...Show more »
Nowadays it's harder because everyone is on Facebook and everyone knows where you are all the time, and everyone's Twittering. I'm going to die because somebody is going to say where I am and somebody is going to kill me. Someone's going to Twitter my location and it's going to be, like, BOOM! Show less «
[on the birth scene in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)] Even though the birth scene is horrible and grotesque, I think it's...Show more »
[on the birth scene in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)] Even though the birth scene is horrible and grotesque, I think it's just the most beautiful moment. The fact that it's so gruesome and awful is why it's so gorgeous. Show less «
We push boundaries in this business in terms of getting to know people. There are things that directors know about me that people shouldn't ...Show more »
We push boundaries in this business in terms of getting to know people. There are things that directors know about me that people shouldn't know. Show less «
I have this weird aversion to people going, "It's a nice, strong female movie. It's really strong." It's almost like you're kind of discredi...Show more »
I have this weird aversion to people going, "It's a nice, strong female movie. It's really strong." It's almost like you're kind of discrediting the strength. Show less «
I am obsessed with ignoring the idea that we're creating products. I really choose every single project I do based on desire and on really j...Show more »
I am obsessed with ignoring the idea that we're creating products. I really choose every single project I do based on desire and on really just wanting to make that story happen. Show less «
If you don't have anything to put in, you're not going to give a lot out. It's not breaks that help. It's managing input and output. The imp...Show more »
If you don't have anything to put in, you're not going to give a lot out. It's not breaks that help. It's managing input and output. The impulse to make stuff is not in everyone. Most people who have that impulse are weird. They need to take care of themselves. Show less «
I'm not the most health conscious person, but I run. I'm active, I like to stay active because I'm hyperactive, so I need to get energy out.
I'm not the most health conscious person, but I run. I'm active, I like to stay active because I'm hyperactive, so I need to get energy out.
I'm sitting back and enjoying the benefits of a decision that I made when I was a person who I can still relate to but am not anymore.
I'm sitting back and enjoying the benefits of a decision that I made when I was a person who I can still relate to but am not anymore.
I became really successful at something at a young age, and that stunts you in every other aspect of your life because you feel like that's ...Show more »
I became really successful at something at a young age, and that stunts you in every other aspect of your life because you feel like that's what you're good at and so that's what you need to stay in. Show less «
Anybody who wants to talk shit about Twilight (2008), I completely get it, but there's something there that I'm endlessly fucking proud of. ...Show more »
Anybody who wants to talk shit about Twilight (2008), I completely get it, but there's something there that I'm endlessly fucking proud of. My memory of it felt -- still feels -- really good. Show less «
I can't, like, put on the show. I'm not a performer. And it's hard for people to accept a serious tone from a kid without thinking they're s...Show more »
I can't, like, put on the show. I'm not a performer. And it's hard for people to accept a serious tone from a kid without thinking they're sort of stuck up. Show less «
[on moving back and forth between independent and studio films] - I feel equally invested and fervently drawn to every part I've done. I've ...Show more »
[on moving back and forth between independent and studio films] - I feel equally invested and fervently drawn to every part I've done. I've never done anything where I was like, "Okay, let's just get this one finished." A lot of actors say "One for them, one for me", but I could never do that. I would be terrible. They would fire me.If you step outside of yourself and start tactically maneuvering your career, it actually makes no sense whatsoever, I don't think it's possible. Sure, there are sociopathic actors out there. But acting requires your heart to be so, so in it. Every single time I agree to do a movie, I'm terrified. I think, "Oh my God, am I really going to tell them that I can do this?". But then I jump in. It's always the same, the budget makes no difference. Show less «
There's a cinematic culture in Paris that doesn't exist anywhere else.
There's a cinematic culture in Paris that doesn't exist anywhere else.
[on the negative reaction to Personal Shopper (2016) at the Cannes Film Festival] If I was a journalist who wanted people to click on my art...Show more »
[on the negative reaction to Personal Shopper (2016) at the Cannes Film Festival] If I was a journalist who wanted people to click on my article I would say "Kristen Stewart Gets Booed at Cannes". That's exactly what I would publish to get people to click on the article, you know. I think Personal Shopper takes a minute to digest. I think that initial, quick reaction is something people at film festivals feel entitled to, because they're allowed to have the first opinion. And when they didn't know how they felt they just say "NO". This movie is definitely not handed to you. You see a movie and you walk out with a friend, whoever you've seen it with and you're quiet and you don't talk about it maybe until tomorrow. That's the kind of movie that it is. Show less «
When you speak to someone on the phone, that is a decipherable, understandable exchange. But with text and social media, it's essentially a ...Show more »
When you speak to someone on the phone, that is a decipherable, understandable exchange. But with text and social media, it's essentially a dialogue with yourself and your interpretation of a shadow. It's not invalid; it's a new language. Show less «


Lydia Howland

Beth Travis

Joan Jett

Bella Swan (Twilight character)

Kristen Tilson

Melinda Sordino

Sarah Altman

Em Lewin



Tracy Tatro


Snow White


Phoebe Larson




Charlie Bucket


Kathryn Lynn


Charlie, Claire, Courtney, Gisele Bündchen, Herself - Host, Reporter, Sabine


Bridget Sullivan