Kerry Coward

Kerry Coward

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Kerry Coward is an actor, singer, and director based in the Austin metropolitan area.Born in Austin, Kerry began performing at an early age, finding his niche primarily on stage, in music and theatre. After graduating from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Kerry attended the American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria.... Show more »
Kerry Coward is an actor, singer, and director based in the Austin metropolitan area.Born in Austin, Kerry began performing at an early age, finding his niche primarily on stage, in music and theatre. After graduating from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Kerry attended the American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria. From there, life took him to New York City, Phoenix, and San Diego.Kerry, a member of Actor's Equity Association, is now looking to adding film, television, and commercial work to his resume. Show less «

Kerry Coward's FILMOGRAPHY

Walker - Season 4


How I Caught My Killer - Season 2


How I Caught My Killer - Season 1


Walker - Season 3


Walker - Season 2


Walker - Season 1

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