Jaime Paglia
Jaime Paglia is a film and television writer and the co-creator/executive producer of the record-setting television series, Eureka, the longest-running original scripted series in Syfy Channel's history. He was the executive producer and co-showrunner of Scream: The Television Series for MTV, adapted from the feature film franchise released by...
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Jaime Paglia is a film and television writer and the co-creator/executive producer of the record-setting television series, Eureka, the longest-running original scripted series in Syfy Channel's history. He was the executive producer and co-showrunner of Scream: The Television Series for MTV, adapted from the feature film franchise released by Dimension Films and The Weinstein Company. Paglia also served as a co-executive producer on The Flash for The CW and has developed projects with Fox Television, ABC Studios, Universal Cable Productions, TNT, New Line Cinema, The Canton Company, Weed Road Pictures, and MGM Television, among others. Show less «