Hugh Edwards

Hugh Edwards

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Hugh Edwards is an Actor, Producer, Voice Director and Casting Director. Hugh has worked on over 200 video games, films and television programmes and directs for High Score Productions Ltd. He also owns Gravy For The Brain Ltd, a voiceover training and resources company based in the UK and the USA, along with his business partner Peter Dickson (of ... Show more »
Hugh Edwards is an Actor, Producer, Voice Director and Casting Director. Hugh has worked on over 200 video games, films and television programmes and directs for High Score Productions Ltd. He also owns Gravy For The Brain Ltd, a voiceover training and resources company based in the UK and the USA, along with his business partner Peter Dickson (of X-Factor fame.) Show less «

Hugh Edwards's FILMOGRAPHY



Dawning of the Dead (Apocalypse)


Crying Wolf

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