Geeta Patel

Geeta Patel

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22 December 1975, Evanston, Illinois, USA
Sundance writer/director Geeta V. Patel is known for her raw, form-pushing style in both drama and comedy genres. Geeta and brother Ravi directed the 2015 romantic comedy Meet the Patels, which led to a writing/directing deal with Fox Searchlight in 2016. Geeta is also writer/director of the upcoming political/action feature film entitled Mouse, pr... Show more »
Sundance writer/director Geeta V. Patel is known for her raw, form-pushing style in both drama and comedy genres. Geeta and brother Ravi directed the 2015 romantic comedy Meet the Patels, which led to a writing/directing deal with Fox Searchlight in 2016. Geeta is also writer/director of the upcoming political/action feature film entitled Mouse, produced by Grant Hill (The Matrix, Tree of Life), choreography by Jeff Imada (Fight Club, Bourne Identity) and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Geeta made her directorial debut with the award-winning Sundance/ITVS war thriller, Project Kashmir, which led to directing fellowships at both the Sundance and Tribeca Institutes. Geeta began her career as Associate Screenwriter on big-budget studio films in all stages, ranging from original work to production re-writes. She has worked with Disney, Universal Pictures, ABC, NBC, and Twentieth Century Fox on a range of films including The Fast and the Furious and Blue Crush. A graduate in Comparative Area Studies at Duke University, Geeta's background languages and global human geography, along with her interest in action/movement choreography, inform her work. While studying in Berlin, Writer/Director Anthony Minghella inspired her to pursue a career in storytelling. Geeta was recently Visiting Artist in Belarus and Turkey as one of 29 filmmakers chosen for President Obama's film delegation. In 2016, she is a delegate to Bosnia and Egypt. Show less «


Meet the Patels

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