Franklin Silverio

Franklin Silverio

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Aspiring actor who is ready to take the next challenge in life. Was born in the Dominican Republic and parents brought him to the United States at a very young age. He attended and completed high school and joined the U.S. Army shortly after. Retired from the Army in 2016 and completed his Bachelor of Behavior Science in Criminal Justice 2017. Firs... Show more »
Aspiring actor who is ready to take the next challenge in life. Was born in the Dominican Republic and parents brought him to the United States at a very young age. He attended and completed high school and joined the U.S. Army shortly after. Retired from the Army in 2016 and completed his Bachelor of Behavior Science in Criminal Justice 2017. First small role was in the Gospel of Kevin (2017) as a NORAD Airman/Security Escort. Followed by being featured in the National Geographic's mini-series The Long Road Home (2017). The Long Road Home is a based on a true story and played the character of Specialist Acevedo. Because of his extensive military background, was often sought out for military advice during filming. Show less «

Franklin Silverio's FILMOGRAPHY

Kevin (Probably) Saves the World - Season 1


The Long Road Home - Season 1

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Franklin Silverio'S roles

SPC Eddie Acevedo
SPC Eddie Acevedo