Fehd Benchemsi

Fehd Benchemsi

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Fehd Benchemsi, Morocco's rising movie star, is at the vanguard of the Arab Actors new wave. He recently played and appeared with Bradley Cooper in Clint Eastwood's blockbuster American Sniper (2015), and also with Nicole Kidman in Queen Of The Desert (Werner Herzog, 2015).Fehd played leading or supporting roles in movies that gained nati... Show more »
Fehd Benchemsi, Morocco's rising movie star, is at the vanguard of the Arab Actors new wave. He recently played and appeared with Bradley Cooper in Clint Eastwood's blockbuster American Sniper (2015), and also with Nicole Kidman in Queen Of The Desert (Werner Herzog, 2015).Fehd played leading or supporting roles in movies that gained national and international acclaim: Né Quelque Part (Mohamed Hamidi, Cannes festival, 2013),The Man Who Sold The World (Swel & Imad Noury, Berlin festival 2009, award in Abu Dhabi Film Festival, 2009),L'Orchestre des Aveugles (Mohamed Mouftakir, golden Tanit in Carthage film festival 2016, selected in Marrakech film festival 2014, 3 awards in Bruxelles film festival 2015),Death For Sale (Faouzi Bensaïdi, selected for Academy Awards Best Foreign movie race 2013, Award in Berlin Film Festival 2012, best movie in San Fransisco film festival 2012).La Vache (Mohamed Hamidi), best movie, jury prize, in Alpes d'Huez film festival 2016)Fehd is comfortable playing various parts: Satan-worshipping heavy-metal musician (Satan's Angels, Ahmed Boulane, 2007), psychotic serial killer in Al Qadia (Noureddine Lakhmari, 2008), romantic comedy lover (Allo Canada, Mohamed Achaour, 2009), head of Iraqi secret police under Saddam Hussein (Flowers of Kirkuk, Fariboz Kamkari, 2010).Fehd is an accomplished musician, regularly performing in public concerts. He plays percussions and ethnic instruments, and sings Gnawa songs, Morocco's gospel.Fehd was born in Casablanca, Morocco. He has a law degree from Aix en Provence University (France). He is also fluent in Arabic, French and easy on English. Show less «

Fehd Benchemsi's FILMOGRAPHY

Ghosts of Beirut - Season 1


Ransomed [Audio: Korean]


Syndrome E - Season 1


Homeland - Season 8


Homeland - Season 7


The Looming Tower - Season 1


Homeland - Season 6


The Yellow Birds


Homeland - Season 5


Homeland - Season 4


Queen of the Desert


Homeland - Season 2


Homeland - Season 1


Homeland - Season 3


American Sniper

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