Don Carmody

Don Carmody

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16 April 1951, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Birth Name: 
Donald Carmody
Don Carmody worked for The National Film Board of Canada when he was 22 years old. His father was a Corporate Attorney in Montreal. He has been producing films for 25 years. He was executive in charge of production for Canada's Cinepix, where he co-produced David Cronenberg's early shockers. Later he was Head of production for Astral Film... Show more »
Don Carmody worked for The National Film Board of Canada when he was 22 years old. His father was a Corporate Attorney in Montreal. He has been producing films for 25 years. He was executive in charge of production for Canada's Cinepix, where he co-produced David Cronenberg's early shockers. Later he was Head of production for Astral Films before starting his own production company in 1980. Show less «


Snake Eater II: The Drug Buster

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