Dennise Renae Larson

Dennise Renae Larson

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Dennise lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where she works as an actor. She has appeared in print ads, including on buses, billboards, shopping carts, as well as in television commercials for companies like Zulily, Microsoft, and Delta Dental. Her more credible work on television and film will soon be released. She studied theater and costume design at Sea... Show more »
Dennise lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where she works as an actor. She has appeared in print ads, including on buses, billboards, shopping carts, as well as in television commercials for companies like Zulily, Microsoft, and Delta Dental. Her more credible work on television and film will soon be released. She studied theater and costume design at Seattle Pacific University. Due to the recent migration of the film industry to Georgia and surrounding states, she chose Atlanta to pursue her acting career. She is a client of Classic Talent Agency and looking forward to upcoming film projects. Show less «

Dennise Renae Larson's FILMOGRAPHY

Snapped - Season 6


Snapped - Season 4


Snapped - Season 3


Snapped - Season 2


Snapped - Season 29


Snapped - Season 1

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