David Gould

David Gould

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David Gould's first feature film THE CURE has been released in over 47 countries and nominated for two New Zealand Film Awards and two Action on Film Awards. He also wrote and directed the award winning short films INSEPARABLE COIL, AWAKEN, THE SEED, and TOMORROW'S DREAM. His was a semi-finalist of the BlueCat Screenwriting Competition wi... Show more »
David Gould's first feature film THE CURE has been released in over 47 countries and nominated for two New Zealand Film Awards and two Action on Film Awards. He also wrote and directed the award winning short films INSEPARABLE COIL, AWAKEN, THE SEED, and TOMORROW'S DREAM. His was a semi-finalist of the BlueCat Screenwriting Competition with his screenplay STOLEN SENSES. He has worked as senior visual effects artist on THE HOBBIT, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, KING KONG, RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, and TINTIN. He has also won the prestigious Maya Masters Award, written two acclaimed text books on Computer Graphics, and developed patented software. Show less «


The Cure

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