Craig Peters

Craig Peters

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Craig Peters was born in Croydon, South London and is a classically trained stage and screen actor.Since graduating from the prestigious Manchester School of Theatre, he's forged a career playing characters that are outcasts and outsiders, with roles ranging from Shakespeare (Romeo in 'Romeo and Juliet'), through satire, to urban str... Show more »
Craig Peters was born in Croydon, South London and is a classically trained stage and screen actor.Since graduating from the prestigious Manchester School of Theatre, he's forged a career playing characters that are outcasts and outsiders, with roles ranging from Shakespeare (Romeo in 'Romeo and Juliet'), through satire, to urban street dramas such as 'Jungle'... even playing an Immortal Lord of Dreams ('Sandman')!Having studied martial arts at a young age, Craig is adept at stage combat and fight choreography.With a natural flair for storytelling, Craig has written multiple scripts for both film and stage, many of which he has also directed. Show less «

Craig Peters's FILMOGRAPHY

Jungle - Season 1

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