Chris Niespodzianski

Chris Niespodzianski

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Chris Niespodzianski was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. He is the writer, co-director, and editor for Orchard Place Productions critically acclaimed zombie film "The Other Side". He and his producing partner, and brother, John Niespodzianski (producer/composer/sound design for The Other Side) are always hard at work on their next film... Show more »
Chris Niespodzianski was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. He is the writer, co-director, and editor for Orchard Place Productions critically acclaimed zombie film "The Other Side". He and his producing partner, and brother, John Niespodzianski (producer/composer/sound design for The Other Side) are always hard at work on their next film.Chris has been nominated for "Best Director", along with co-director Ray Mongelli, at the 2015 HorrorHound Film Festival as well as "Best New Comer" for the 2015 Horror Society Awards. Show less «

Chris Niespodzianski's FILMOGRAPHY

The Other Side (2014)

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