Chad Eric Smith

Chad Eric Smith

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Chad Eric Smith, a native of Washington, DC, is a musician, writer, director, and an award-winning actor. He fell in love with acting as a student at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, where he performed in several stage productions. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Chad played a variety of quirky characters in mo... Show more »
Chad Eric Smith, a native of Washington, DC, is a musician, writer, director, and an award-winning actor. He fell in love with acting as a student at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, where he performed in several stage productions. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Chad played a variety of quirky characters in more than a dozen stage plays in theaters in and around Pittsburgh, PA, including the internationally renowned Kuntu Repertory Theatre. In 2010, the Pittsburgh Chapter of the African American Council on the Arts awarded Chad two Onyx Awards, one for 'Best Leading Actor in a Musical' for his role as Walter Lee Younger in the Kuntu Repertory Theatre's production of "Raisin" and the other for 'Best Supporting Actor in a Musical' for his role as Wilson Pickett in the New Horizon Theater production of "I Gotcha! The Story of Joe Tex and the Soul Clan". Chad has also held leading, supporting, and featured roles in web series and several independent films, including the superhero comedy "Squid Man," the romantic drama "Last Night," the horror mystery thriller "The Suffering," and the upcoming films "Secret City Bluz," and "An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted). In 2014, Chad co-wrote and starred in his award-winning film directorial debut, the short vampire comedy "Dark Therapy," in which he received the Gold Peer Award in the "Acting on Camera - Fiction Male" category from the Television, Internet & Video Association of DC (TIVA-DC). Show less «

Chad Eric Smith's FILMOGRAPHY

An Accidental Zombie (Named Ted)


The Suffering

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Chad Eric Smith'S roles
