Bryan Dodds

Bryan Dodds

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Birth Name: 
Bryan Peter Dodds
175 cm
An American actor living and working in Los Angeles, Bryan Dodds is not the average handsome young Hollywood actor that can fight like the next superhero. Sure he's all of that, but so much more. Genuine and sweet, with a heart of gold, Bryan's faith as a spiritual being is at the core of who he is, not only as a martial arts master, but ... Show more »
An American actor living and working in Los Angeles, Bryan Dodds is not the average handsome young Hollywood actor that can fight like the next superhero. Sure he's all of that, but so much more. Genuine and sweet, with a heart of gold, Bryan's faith as a spiritual being is at the core of who he is, not only as a martial arts master, but as an actor as well. An entrepreneur, Bryan also launched his own clothing and lifestyle label; Healthy Truth, which is a part of his vision. Born in West Chester, Pennsylvania, Bryan was always active in sports and outdoor activities, even performing in an occasional skit for cub scouts. Little did he know, this early path would take him across the country to Hollywood, where a career as a unique and talented performer in high demand, would be born.On ActingBryan started acting when his Dad put him in skits as a cub scout, which sparked his love for the craft. Continuing to do skits for projects in high school, he finally joined the drama team his senior year, after taking a break from sports. Being attracted to acting for the adventure and vulnerability, Bryan states, "I like that I can be anything and anywhere, " Adding, "My imagination is always wanting to go to greater places. The vulnerability aspect is exciting because its a freedom that allows you to fully create new and exciting moments."He notes Russel Crowe as his favorite male actor, stating, "I remember seeing 'Gladiator' and 'A Beautiful Mind,' and thinking, 'He makes it look so simple and yet believable!" His favorite actress, he says, is Ziyi Zhang, stating, "Being able to act is one thing, but being able to act while you do stunts, action, and martial arts, and look like you know what you are doing, is a totally different ball game!" He reveals 'Peaceful Warrior' as his favorite film, and notes one of his favorite quotes from the film which says, "There is never nothing going on." Bryan adds, "I believe this to be very true in every persons life. if we would open up and see the beauty of what can be seen even in the little things, our whole world would change."On Martial artsBryan started martial arts at the end of his sophomore year in college. One of his fraternity brothers asked him to train with him, and he fell in love with it. He actively sought out training partners and schools right after that. While he cites many great teachers and trainers in the martial arts, those that stand out for him, in addition to his friends that got him started, include; Jin Young, Sifu Rae Manzon, XJ Wang, and Andy Debnar. The beauty of discovery, and discovery of ones' self as well as certain secrets to life, fuel his love of the sport. Bryan mentions that Jet Li is his favorite martial artists, stating, "He incorporates many of the different aspects of the martial arts. He uses both hard and soft styles, and internal and external, with both vulnerability, and wisdom.Life Purpose and PhilosophyBryan admits that he wants to save the world, one heart and soul at a time, confessing, "My dream as a child to be a superhero never left! Part of what I dream to do is to help others dream, and be reborn," adding, "My brand, which includes acting, entertainment and films, is a part of how I will do this." In Hollywood, where being Christian is a minority, Bryan proudly states that his biggest inspiration in life is Jesus, stating, "The guy knew the trials he had to walk through, faced them head on, never gave up, endured pain and death and suffering, all because of love, because He loved his children, his creation." Adding, "Tell me love cannot conquer anything! I think if anything, our world could use more love and humility like this!"Regarding suffering in the world, Bryan says that he believes the reason it exists are not so simple, but can be searched out in each of our own journey's. He says, "The best way to deal with it is to let it transform you in a positive way, so that you evolve and become your original intent of who you were created to be." Bryan adds that "We are meant to enjoy life, seek God, and believe in greater things, not only only ourselves, but for this world."On Working with Bryan DoddsYes there are plenty of handsome actors in Hollywood. Sure, a few of them are even great in martial arts. But there are only a small handful of superhero's, where ones faith and duty to help others and spread love is a flame that cannot be extinguished, nor compromised. When asked what one can expect when they hire Bryan, his answer is simple; " Expect to be pushed and sharpened. Expect to form relationships. Expect to have fun!" Show less «


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