Adam Stilwell

Adam Stilwell

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Adam Stilwell was born and raised in Northwest Montana and now lives in Los Angeles. The producer turned director is known for two genre features shot in his home state, The Sighting (2016) called "the scariest Bigfoot movie ever" by Rotten Tomatoes which he co-wrote and produced and his reality-bending directorial debut The Triangle (201... Show more »
Adam Stilwell was born and raised in Northwest Montana and now lives in Los Angeles. The producer turned director is known for two genre features shot in his home state, The Sighting (2016) called "the scariest Bigfoot movie ever" by Rotten Tomatoes which he co-wrote and produced and his reality-bending directorial debut The Triangle (2016) one of the most critically acclaimed horror films of 2016. The Triangle will be released worldwide in 2017 by 108 Media. Show less «

Adam Stilwell's FILMOGRAPHY

The Triangle


Travis (The Sighting)

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