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    Children of Dune - Season 1

    The twins of Paul 'Muad'dib' Atreides become embroiled in the political landscape of Arrakis ('Dune') and the rest of the universe.
    Duration: 60 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2003
    IMDb: 7.2
    (0) Voted
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  • Critic Reviews of "Children of Dune - Season 1"

    Orlando Sentinel
    May 20, 2020

    The ambitious miniseries will bowl over viewers with its dynamic effects, sets, photography, costumes and Matrix-style action. Yet the themes of revenge and fanaticism are often muddled as the actors garble the portentous dialogue.

    May 20, 2020

    It spins out quite a complicated tale of political and religious intrigue, not quite as battle-heavy as its predecessor, but looks exotic and has a sense of scale missing from most space operas.

    Chicago Tribune
    May 20, 2020

    The special effects are eye-popping, especially the digitally created sand worms and cities. But Children of Dune's slow pacing and generally monotonous story show that looking good isn't better than being good.

    New York Post
    May 20, 2020

    It's like "I Claudius" in outer space. It's not easy to follow, but it is worth it.

    New York Times
    May 20, 2020

    The film, directed by Greg Yaitanes, unfolds more as a pageant than as a coherent narrative... If you give your reason a rest, your imagination could enjoy this ride.

    May 20, 2020

    Sci Fi Channel's long-awaited sequel to 2000's Dune turns everything up a notch: the special effects, the star power and the melodrama. It's everything a miniseries should be -- unless you're a diehard Frank Herbert fan.

    Christian Science Monitor
    May 20, 2020

    As hard to follow as it is, this epic will haunt Dune fans long after it leaves the air.

    People Magazine
    May 20, 2020

    Children of Dune is like Shakespeare, Greek tragedy and a biblical epic rolled into one and set 8,000-plus years in the future. It's every bit as unwieldy as it sounds, but there are compensations.
    May 20, 2020

    Not only is the cast uniformly good, but the production values are strong and consistently applied... Children of Dune also boasts an excellent score and strong storytelling with very few scenes that seem tacked-on or superfluous.

    Flick Filosopher
    May 20, 2020

    This is a spectacular production, and not just on a scale for television: the cinematography and art direction are lovely, the effects stunning, the score hauntingly beautiful.

    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
    May 03, 2019

    Frank Herbert's Children of Dune tells a clearer story with better acting, stronger writing and a propulsive, majestic score by Brian Tyler that befits a grand space opera.
    January 08, 2019

    There are other moments of perfect execution, proving that the makers of this miniseries still cared deeply for the story they were telling and the universe it occupies.

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