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    You Got Served

    David and Elgin helm a talented street-dancing crew in hope of winning their city's dance contest, in order to achieve their dream of opening a recording studio. As David and Elgin labor to perfect their moves for the competition, tensions within the crew threaten their chances at success.
    Duration: 95 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2004
    IMDb: 3.9
    (2) Voted
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  • Actors of "You Got Served"

    More actors 
  • Characters of "You Got Served"

    Elgin. Character of You Got Served
    Liyah. Character of You Got Served
    Rashann. Character of You Got Served
    Played by: Lil' Fizz
    Vick. Character of You Got Served
    Played by: Raz B
    Beautifull. Character of You Got Served
    Played by: Meagan Good
    Mr. Rad. Character of You Got Served
    Played by: Steve Harvey
    Lil' Kim. Character of You Got Served
    Played by: Lil' Kim
  • Directors of "You Got Served"

    Chris Stokes. Director of You Got Served
    Chris Stokes
  • Creators of "You Got Served"

    Chris Stokes. Director of You Got Served
    Chris Stokes
  • Critic Reviews of "You Got Served"

    Chicago Tribune
    February 04, 2004

    Commits a variety of cinematic sins, none fatal individually but collectively enough to pull an audience under.

    Dallas Morning News
    February 04, 2004

    The movie dances when it should be developing, say, characters or story line.

    Entertainment Weekly
    February 04, 2004

    The story is so bored with itself, it collapses -- but the diverse troupe of dance talents at least makes it an eclectic slide.

    Washington Post
    January 30, 2004

    A thinly written, hoarily cliched story that serves mostly as connective tissue between the movie's chief draw, its dazzling dance sequences.

    Toronto Star
    January 30, 2004

    Choreographers Dave Scott and Shane Sparks deserve all the credit they can get.

    Seattle Times
    January 30, 2004

    As far as plot, drama and performances go ... well, did I mention that the dancing is good?

    Common Sense Media
    December 29, 2010

    Dubious plot and characters, good dancing.

    Cinema Crazed
    April 29, 2009

    Nothing but an exploitative piece of garbage...

    Shadows on the Wall
    April 29, 2004

    We actually begin to laugh at the inanity of it all, wanting to yell at the screen: 'Just shut up and dance!'

    Premiere Magazine
    February 24, 2004

    Before shooting began, the dancers rehearsed for eight weeks to develop off-the-hook new dance moves, which begs the question: Who was working on the script during that time?

    Aisle Seat
    February 17, 2004

    You Got Served is, to quote Simon Cowell, absolutely dreadful.

    Quad City Times (Davenport, IA)
    February 14, 2004

    A spirited, guilty pleasure of a dance movie.

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