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    Wonder Wheel

    Four peoples' lives intertwine amid the hustle and bustle of the Coney Island amusement park in the 1950s: Ginny, an emotionally volatile former actress now working as a waitress in a clam house; Humpty, Ginny's rough-hewn carousel operator husband; Mickey, a handsome young lifeguard who dreams of becoming a playwright; and Carolina, Humpty's long-estranged daughter, who is now hiding out from gangsters at her father's apartment.
    Duration: 101 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2017
    IMDb: 6.2
    (6) Voted
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  • Actors of "Wonder Wheel"

  • Directors of "Wonder Wheel"

    Woody Allen. Director of Wonder Wheel
    Woody Allen
    Birthdate: 1 December 1935, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
  • Creators of "Wonder Wheel"

    Woody Allen. Director of Wonder Wheel
    Woody Allen
    Birthdate: 1 December 1935, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "Wonder Wheel"

    Detroit News
    December 15, 2017

    Allen, 82, has his ups and downs, and while there have been more downs than ups lately he is always worth the benefit of the doubt. But "Wonder Wheel" is a ride to nowhere.

    St. Louis Post-Dispatch
    December 14, 2017

    Like the fairground ride for which it's named, "Wonder Wheel" is entertaining but not enlightening.

    Tribune News Service
    December 12, 2017

    As we watch Allen worry and nitpick over the way women fret over aging, painting Ginny as pathetic, jealous, insecure, and clownish, it's dull, unoriginal, and offensive. Frankly, we've have enough Woody Allen takes on this subject.

    December 11, 2017

    Wonder Wheel seems more like a cobbled-together afterthought than the romantic melodrama it seeks to be.

    San Diego Reader
    December 08, 2017

    If 2016's Café Society was writer-director Woody Allen's attempt to introduce a younger generation to the world of Woody Allen, then this might just be his followup attempt to show the Kids of Today what a filmed Tennessee Williams play looks like.

    Globe and Mail
    December 08, 2017

    Whatever its director's motivations, a work so contemptuous of its own heroine is always going to border on the offensive.

    Reel Film Reviews
    January 03, 2018

    A sporadically agreeable misfire...

    January 03, 2018

    In any other inkwell [it] would be a striking experiment; within the filmography of Woody Allen is too similar to his other films. [Full Review in Spanish]

    January 03, 2018

    ... a combination of drama, tragedy, romance, some comedy, a side of gangster thriller... [Full review in Spanish]

    El antepenúltimo mohicano
    December 29, 2017

    ... Allen manages to change the hilarity of his universe by a deranged portrait of absolute desolation in which all narrative elements converge due to their own discordance. [Full review in Spanish]

    Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Alberta)
    December 29, 2017

    Amid the fading romance of this Brooklyn amusement park, there's a wan lustre to the raging against the dying of the light by these weary, frazzled souls.

    Good Times Santa Cruz
    December 27, 2017

    But the weird rhythms of the dialogue and the familiarity of the characters finally keep us from ever feeling invested in their story.

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