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    White Heat

    A pGang leader Cody Jarrett (James Cagney) lives for his mother, planning heists between horrible headaches. Released from prison, Jarrett plots a seemingly perfect heist, unaware that his partners plan to kill him and his right-hand man is working for the police.
    Duration: 114 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1949
    IMDb: 8.1
    (0) Voted
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  • Actors of "White Heat"

  • Characters of "White Heat"

    Cody Jarrett. Character of White Heat
    Played by: James Cagney
    Verna Jarrett. Character of White Heat
    Played by: Virginia Mayo
    Hank Fallon. Character of White Heat
    Played by: Edmond O'Brien
    Ma Jarrett. Character of White Heat
    Big Ed Somers. Character of White Heat
    Played by: Steve Cochran
    Philip Evans. Character of White Heat
    Played by: John Archer
    Cotton Valletti. Character of White Heat
    Played by: Wally Cassell
  • Directors of "White Heat"

    Raoul Walsh. Director of White Heat
    Raoul Walsh
    Birthdate: 11 March 1887, New York City, New York, USA
  • Creators of "White Heat"

    Ivan Goff. Director of White Heat
    Ivan Goff
    Birthdate: 17 April 1910, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
    Ben Roberts. Director of White Heat
    Ben Roberts
    Birthdate: 23 March 1916, Brooklyn, New York, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "White Heat"

    TIME Magazine
    April 27, 2009

    Brilliantly directed by Raoul Walsh, an old master of cinema hoodlumism, it returns a more subtle James Cagney to the kind of thug role that made him famous.

    April 27, 2009

    Cagney has an excellent supporting cast.

    Chicago Reader
    April 27, 2009

    Raoul Walsh's heroes had a knack for going too far, but none went further than James Cagney in this roaring 1949 gangster piece.

    Time Out
    January 26, 2006

    Despite chronology (deranged by the censor's influence on the studios), this is really the fitting climax of the '30s gangster movie.

    New York Times
    May 20, 2003

    The simple fact is that Mr. Cagney has made his return to a gangster role in one of the most explosive pictures that he or anyone has ever played.

    Empire Magazine
    April 27, 2009

    Magnificent examination of the criminal mind and Cagney's finest moment.

    Laramie Movie Scope
    October 09, 2008

    Cagney supercharges the entire film with frenetic energy.
    April 05, 2006

    Its archetypal influence on later films like Goodfellas and the Al Pacino Scarface is striking, even if we can never again experience how new and bold it was back in its day....

    Cinema em Cena
    November 22, 2005

    Cagney, intenso como de hábito, cria um personagem que, apesar de sua óbvia instabilidade psicológica e de sua crueldade patológica, conquista o espectador com sua carência emocional.

    August 14, 2005

    Raoul Walsh's Freudian film is one of the fastest and toughest crime-gangster films ever made, boasting a bravura performance from James Cagney as a misogynist mama boy ("top of the world, Ma").

    Classic Film and Television
    May 28, 2005

    Film noir masterpiece, with brilliant direction and visual style

    Combustible Celluloid
    March 21, 2005

    Cagney gives an utterly ferocious performance, arguably his finest, as Cody Jarrett, a psychotic gangster with an unholy mother fixation.

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