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    White Dog

    The film centers on Julie Sawyer and her white dog. After the dog prevents a criminal from killing her, she uncovers that her dog is trained to attack black skin. Will the trainer can change the dog?
    Duration: 90 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1982
    IMDb: 7.0
    (0) Voted
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  • Actors of "White Dog"

  • Characters of "White Dog"

    Dog. Character of White Dog
    Played by: Hans
  • Directors of "White Dog"

    Samuel Fuller. Director of White Dog
    Samuel Fuller
    Birthdate: 12 August 1912, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
  • Creators of "White Dog"

    Romain Gary. Director of White Dog
    Romain Gary
    Birthdate: 8 May 1914, Vilna, Russian Empire [now Vilnius, Lithuania]
    Samuel Fuller. Director of White Dog
    Samuel Fuller
    Birthdate: 12 August 1912, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "White Dog"

    David Keyes
    December 22, 2014

    The central motive of the movie plays like a tragic melody.

    Ryan Gilbey New Statesman
    April 03, 2014

    The film has a TV-movie cheesiness overruled by Fuller's expert deployment of the camera, brisk pacing and committed performances.

    Brian Juergens
    March 26, 2010

    A misunderstood masterpiece - not just a poignant movie about racism, but also a stellar example of how genre film can be effectively used to address a society's ills.

    Paul Brenner
    December 31, 2008

    one film that will never make it into the Animal Planet lineup.

    Fernando F. Croce Slant Magazine
    December 12, 2008

    Hate is a dog from hell in White Dog, Samuel Fuller's abused and abandoned late-career masterpiece about homegrown racism.

    Rob Gonsalves
    April 09, 2007

    A simply told story that says more about racism than many NAACP-approved films.

    Dennis Schwartz Ozus' World Movie Reviews
    October 12, 2006

    Compelling oddball thriller about a racist dog who only attacks blacks is directed by the always interesting Sam Fuller.

    Phil Hall Film Threat
    June 16, 2006

    As they say in Arkansas: this dog don't hunt.

    Doug Cummings Filmjourney
    May 14, 2005

    A powerful, inspired critique of racism, tapping into the relationship between humans and animals in a way that places it within the ranks of cinematic masterpieces...

    Jeffrey M. Anderson Combustible Celluloid
    May 22, 2004

    There is no excitement to these scenes -- which is as it should be. The filming is sparse, with no clutter.

    Shane Burridge
    May 17, 2004

    Sat on the shelf at Paramount for ten years... and was not shown in U.S. cinemas until it received retrospective festival screenings.

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