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    Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]

    In a story that seems closer to the reality we are living in. The story tells of a teenage girl struggling to find her younger sister. Her younger sister appears to have disappeared during the July 2011 mass murder that killed many on July 22 at a political summer camp on the Norwegian island of Utoya. It's a Norwegian drama that looks closer to the exciting reality.
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  • Actors of "Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]"

  • Characters of "Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]"

    Kaja. Character of Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]
  • Creators of "Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]"

    Siv Rajendram Eliassen. Director of Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]
    Siv Rajendram Eliassen
    Anna Bache-Wiig. Director of Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]
    Anna Bache-Wiig
    Birthdate: 19 September 1975
  • Critic Reviews of "Utøya: July 22 (Utøya 22. juli) [Sub: Eng]"
    February 20, 2018

    "U - July 22" cuts through so much of the contemporary cant around gun violence, around white nationalism, around xenophobia, around the politicization of historical tragedy.

    February 20, 2018

    Fortunately, the gimmick pays off more often than not.

    February 20, 2018

    "U - July 22" is designed to be as immersive as it is exhausting, and largely succeeds ...

    Cinema em Cena
    November 27, 2018

    There's no stronger argument against guns than the image of a child dead besides her phone - which rings with the calls of a mother that doesn't know her daughter can't answer anymore. [Full review in Portuguese]

    Sunday Times (UK)
    October 31, 2018

    It's so superbly done, you're unlikely ever to want to watch it again.

    The Mail on Sunday (UK)
    October 29, 2018

    Emotionally more powerful than Paul Greengrass's wider-ranging July 22 but, arguably, even more pointless.

    Sunday Independent (Ireland)
    October 29, 2018

    While visceral in its depiction of the horror that day, it is let down by trite dialogue and one frankly cringeworthy scene.

    Backseat Mafia
    October 29, 2018

    By focusing on the victims, Poppe allows the audience to empathise with them whilst reducing the murderer to just one brief silhouette.

    Observer (UK)
    October 29, 2018

    The characters in the film are fictionalised but based on the accounts of real survivors; fine to protect their identities, but dubious to deliberately twist the narrative to create additional sympathy.

    Irish Times
    October 26, 2018

    It's a grim, startling, and immersive experience, but without the historical rigour of Paul Greengrass's Bloody Sunday or the comforting heroics of United 93.

    Daily Mail (UK)
    October 26, 2018

    An uncomfortable watch, without a clear moral compass.

    Dog and Wolf
    October 26, 2018

    Shot on hand-held camera, strong on urgency and terror, the film is a tour de force though it flags slightly in the middle, It has your heart pounding along with the breathless fugitives'.

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